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Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising finally launched on the North American Wii U Virtual Console this past Thursday. Take a look at some footage from the game below.

Additional footage has come in showing the recent Wii U eShop release Factotum. Along with the feed from the television, we’re also able to see what things look like on the GamePad. Check out the video below.

A new video, which is posted below, contains footage of the two upcoming Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon 3DS themes. Both will be available as pre-order bonuses in Japan. Eventually, they should launch in the west as well.

Splatoon’s fourth Japanese Splatfest wrapped up a few hours ago. The results are in, and we now know that grasshoppers were victorious over ants.

Grasshoppers were victorious in both popularity (61 percent) and wins (53 percent). That led to an overall score of 273 points compared to the ants’ total of 227 points.


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JMJ Interactive made a slow-paced exploration game called “Star Sky” a few years back. The title landed on a few platforms, including PC, iOS, and Android.

Star Sky will now be coming to Wii U, creator Marten Jonsson has confirmed to Nintendo Everything. It will be available in both North America and Europe via the eShop in September if everything goes as planned.

An overview and trailer for Star Sky can be found below.

Star Sky is not a game for everyone. It is a slow-paced game of exploring different choices. There are secrets to unlock, and for those who make it to the end, there is alot of interesting things to reflect about. It is also a peaceful experience and a game about enjoying the ambience the world around you can provide. Make the choices, watch what happens, unlock the secret.

Star Sky is not a game you play for hours on end. You play it, see what there there is to discover and then play it as many times as you feel like. Then hopefully you will return and finish it at some point, in order to unlock the end. The game is meant to be a relaxing and ambient experience focusing on creating a soothing atmosphere rather than intense gameplay. It is similar to an interactive poem. A poem that has several endings and allow you to explore different scenarios. It is important that you take your time and allow yourself to feel the game as you play it.

Let’s Talk #20: What do you want from the next mainline Pokemon?

Pokemon is taking a slight break this year. Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon is due out in a few months, and we even have Pokken Tournament to look forward to on Wii U next spring. But in terms of the next core entry in the Pokemon franchise, there’s nothing planned for 2015.

One thing to note is that this isn’t out of the ordinary as there tends to be at least a one-year absence for new Pokemon RPGs. For instance, after Pokemon Black/White came out in 2010 in Japan, Black 2/White 2 weren’t ready until 2012.

It’s very likely that we’ll end up seeing the next core Pokemon game next year. What do The Pokemon Company, Nintendo, and Game Freak have planned? That’s anybody’s guess. Chances are though that it will be on 3DS. One theory floating around is that “Pokemon Z” is in the works, and it will launch next year.

Let’s just say that you had control over the Pokemon RPGs. Are there any particular gameplay elements that you would want to include? Would you try changing up the visual style? What sort of direction do you want to see the series take? Let us know in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: Thoughts thus far about Super Mario Maker


As someone who hasn’t enjoyed a Mario game until Super Mario 3D World (Seriously!), I cannot believe how excited I am for Mario Maker. I’m even worried about not being creative enough to make full use of the level editor itself. But I’m very excited to try other players creative output (Not necessarily high difficulty, although if that goes hand-in-hand with a very creative stage I’m all for it)! It’s comprehensive, it’s simple, it just looks like it’s going to be a blast to make and share stages with my friends. The online setup looks to be solid, its just a very good make. Although I don’t like to see such blatant copies in the industry, it makes me crave things like a Sonic (the Hedgehog) Maker that lets you make games in Sonic 1/3/4/Advance (?) styles, but that comes more from the childhood fan in me.


I can’t be more excited about it! My friends and I do Game Tournaments every couple months, and ever since we’ve heard about Super Mario Maker, we already knew that was going to be one of our tournaments entries. After watching the Nintendo World Championship, I knew it was the perfect game to play!

Recently, N++ came out on the PS4, and I am addicted to that right now. I love excruciatingly difficult platformers, and N++ is about as top-notch as you can get in this category.

However, Super Mario games aren’t normally that hard. Even the most difficult levels in Super Mario games are doable for the average gamer. But with Super Mario Maker, that casual nature for Super Mario is gone, and the ability to bring chaos into the Super Mario world is finally upon us! I cannot wait to make and play the “worst” of levels. And knowing how creative the Wii U community is, I can’t wait to see what everyone brings to the table. This is my most anticipated game of 2015! Already pre-ordered and patiently waiting.


While I won’t get the game day 1 (darn school!), I will definitely be picking it up very soon. I have never been this excited for a new 2D Mario game. I can imagine spending hours creating a level, while watching TV or concentrating on the big screen performance, making sure that every piece is in the best spot. Some levels will be mean, and some will be challenging, while others will be just fun! And the best part, limit-less Mario levels! A never ending game. What is not to get excited about?!

And though I might be in the minority, I don’t mind the 9-day system. It will give me time to play the other modes, experiment and discover what I can do with each new block and fine tune my creation skills to make great levels. And, there are “dozens” of pre-made levels to play on disc, so I’ll need some time to play those, right?!

All I need is a Nintendo Direct to give me some more info on this game and Star Fox, and Zelda, and Xeno, and I need Yoshi. R.I.P. my Wallet!

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Wario: Master of Disguise came out on the European Wii U Virtual Console this past Thursday. Check out some footage from the DS game below.

Family Gamer TV has posted some footage of Disney Infinity 3.0’s Twilight of the Republic Play Set. Watch the video below.

Earlier today, Nintendo World held a special event for LBX: Little Battlers eXperience. Fans were given an opportunity to play the 3DS game and watch an exclusive screening of two new episodes from the television show. You can take a look at some photos from the event below.

Photo 1
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Marques Y. (left), 10 years old from Toronto, Canada, reacts to winning a 3-on-3 battle in Little Battlers eXperience, the new Nintendo 3DS game based on the popular Nicktoons TV show, as his father Randolph G. watches. Nintendo partnered with Nickelodeon for an exclusive screening of two new episodes of Nicktoons’ LBX: Little Battlers eXperience TV show at the Nintendo World store in New York on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015. Attendees were able to play the new Nintendo 3DS game based on the show with experts from Nintendo. The new game lets players customize their own mini robots using more than 4,000 parts and battle other players’ robots.

Photo 2
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, fans gather at the Nintendo World store in New York on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015, for an exclusive advance screening of two new episodes of Nicktoons’ LBX: Little Battlers eXperience TV show. Fans were also able to play the new Nintendo 3DS game based on the show with experts from Nintendo. The game, which is now available, allows players to customize their own mini robots using more than 4,000 parts and battle other players’ robots.

Photo 3
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, players compete in 3-on-3 battles in Little Battlers eXperience, the new Nintendo 3DS game based on the popular Nicktoons TV show. Game-play activities were part of a larger event hosted by Nintendo and Nickelodeon at the Nintendo World store in New York on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015. In addition to playing the game, lucky fans were able to attend an exclusive screening of two new episodes of the TV show before they air on Nicktoons later this fall.

Source: Nintendo PR

ZeNfA Productions has brought out a third patch for ZaciSa’s Last Stand. The update makes improvements to the game as well as some gameplay changes. Additionally, the title is now in sync with the European version.

Here’s the full change log:


  • The game has been improved upon to allow for even smoother experience. Even more crazy moments, like multiple Tesla Coils and Triple Enemy spawns barely lag at all.
  • The maps: PING 1.5+, BLOK DROP U & Pollux System all have their starting money increased to allow for a better experience.
  • Bot Changes:
  • Tesla Coil now has slightly increased power.
  • Drone now has slightly increased power.
  • Bot Upgrades: Costs for upgrades are at a lower rate to allow for more upgrades. This only effects late stage upgrades, early level upgrades are still the same.
  • Game Over Changes
  • Money no longer provides as big of bonus to your score as it used to.
  • Max score bonus from leftover money is now capped as well.
  • Outstanding loans no longer hurt your final score as much either.
  • These changes provide some fairness to the game scores.


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