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Level-5 has announced that shipments of Youkai Watch 2 have reached the 3 million mark in just about four months.

At retail the game has sold over 2,800,000 units and if you include the eshop version the total sales of the game are well over the 3 million mark.

Source, Via


Producer Junichi Masuda of GAME FREAK will be releasing the very first Eon Ticket at a Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire launch event in London.

The Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Eon Ticket can be claimed via StreetPass, attend the special launch event and be one of the first to get your special EON Ticket.

With the Eon Ticket you’ll have the opportunity to catch one of the Legendary Eon Pokémon, Latias or Latios.

The Pokemon Company will also be sending 15 people from 15 cities across the UK to the special event to help spread the Eon Ticket far and wide as most will have to wait to get the ticket from someone who has already recieved it.

Check out The Great EON Ticket Relay UK site for more details


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