Club Nintendo Europe adds coaster sets
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
Coaster sets are now available over on Club Nintendo Europe. There are four in total to choose from: the question block, block, Fire Blower, and Bom-omb.
Each one costs 2,500 stars. Check them out on Club Nintendo here.
These awesome Coaster Sets have all just been added to the Club Nintendo Stars Catalogue.
— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) August 17, 2015
More: Club Nintendo, Europe
Iwata felt that the games he worked on were sort of like his children
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 10 Comments
Back in July 2013, Toyo Keizai Online conducted an interview with Satoru Iwata. But there was one part of the discussion that was never published.
At one point of the interview, Toyo Keizai Online asked Iwata about the game he likes the most. These comments have now finally made their way online for all to see.
Here’s what Iwata shared at the time:
“Ummm… that’s a difficult question. I was a game developer myself, so I have special attachment to all the products that I was deeply involved in as a programmer or a producer, whether it’s “Kirby Super Star (known in Japan as Hoshino no Kirby)”, “Earthbound (MOTHER 2)”, or “Super Smash Bros. (Dairanto Smash Brothers)”. So it’s pretty hard to name only one.”
“I look at all these games that I produced at very close range, as if they were my children, so to say. The proximity of my perception therefore differs from other people. When I was developing them, I was working almost every day (all night long) till I saw the sun rising over Mt. Fuji. So when I think about them, the memories of those creative endeavors come flashing back altogether as one set?about how I came up with the original concept, what I was thinking at the time to shape it into a tangible form, what portion of these thoughts actually reached the customers and what didn’t, and what kind of struggles and dramatic events I went through during the development process?you know, things like that. These emotions clearly separate my way pf perceiving them from any other person who can get fascinated in these games strictly as one of many ordinary players.”
More: interview, Satoru Iwata, top
Nintendo Minute – “Haul + Giveaway!”
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos | 7 Comments
The latest episode of Nintendo Minute has now gone live. This week, Kit and Krysta are looking to give out swag they’ve collected from events over the past few months. Check out the full video below.
More: Nintendo Minute
Photos of Nintendo World’s Splatoon art display
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Images | 7 Comments
Nintendo World just recently opened an art display for Splatoon. Those who stop by the store can check out various images from the game. There’s even some recognition of the related Iwata Askss discussion.
More: Nintendo World, Splatoon
Rumor: Dr. Mario amiibo to be a Target exclusive in the U.S.
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 9 Comments
We may have the next retailer-exclusive amiibo on our hands.
Target has started putting up listings for the next round of Smash Bros. figures, including Dr. Mario. This has sparked speculation that the amiibo will be an exclusive since it hasn’t appeared in inventory systems for other stores.
Of course, any sort of retailer exclusivity for Dr. Mario hasn’t been confirmed at this time. We’ll need to wait for more information before we know how the situation will play out.
Cliff Bleszinski speaks out against Nintendo for firing of Chris Pranger
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 174 Comments
Cliff Bleszinski, known for his work on the Gears of War franchise, has commented on the situation surrounding Chris Pranger via Twitter. Pranger was fired from the company earlier this week following his appearance on a podcast.
Needless to say, Bleszinski isn’t happy with Nintendo’s handling of the situation. Here are his comments in full:
Nintendo fires employee that goes on a podcast. Next up they can folks that post youtube videos and do Twitch streams and Twitter?!
— Cliff Bleszinski (@therealcliffyb) August 14, 2015
Way to allow for some transparency, Big N. 🙁
— Cliff Bleszinski (@therealcliffyb) August 14, 2015
Kinda sad to know the company you grew up with and worshipped and still adore you'd never want to work for, ever.
— Cliff Bleszinski (@therealcliffyb) August 14, 2015
We probably won’t ever know about the specifics surrounding Nintendo’s decision to let Pranger go. But if he broke an NDA (which is what many assume at this point), there’s unfortunately no getting around that.
More: Chris Pranger, Cliff Bleszinski
Animal Crossing amiibo card packs are £3.49 in the UK
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
Yesterday we learned that Animal Crossing amiibo cards would cost $6 per pack (6 cards in each) here in the United States. In the UK, we now know that packs will be £3.49.
The Nintendo UK store now has its listing up for the Animal Crossing amiibo cards here. Each pack contains three cards, and one of these will always be a special one.
There are also now various bundles for Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer to choose from on the Nintendo UK store. You can find all of the offerings here.
More: Amiibo, Animal Crossing, UK
Chris Pranger let go from Nintendo (Treehouse)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 140 Comments
The name Chris Pranger should ring a bell if you’ve kept an eye on the site over the past few weeks. Pranger recently appeared on a Part-Time Gamer podcast to talk about working at Nintendo Treehouse and a number of other topics.
Unfortunately, Pranger has stated on his Twitter account that he was fired from Nintendo. We don’t know about the specifics, but he likely said something he wasn’t supposed to during the podcast – perhaps a broken NDA.
As some of you may have heard, yes, I was fired yesterday. Yes, it was ultimately my own fault. No, I did not see this coming.
— Chris Pranger (@TheChrisPranger) August 13, 2015
You never like to hear about someone losing their job. I wish Pranger the best of luck in the future, and hopefully he’ll land somewhere new soon!
More: Chris Pranger
Video: A look at the original vision for Rayman 4
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, General Nintendo, Videos | 8 Comments
Unseen64’s latest video takes a look at the original vision for Rayman 4, which was in development for just under a year over at Phoenix Studio for several platforms such as the GameCube. The studio hoped to bring Rayman back to its roots and deliver a surreal, meta story. Unfortunately, the project ended up seeing cancellation. Unseen64’s full report is in the video below.
Walmart lists Animal Crossing amiibo card packs for $5.96
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 9 Comments
Based on a listing from Walmart, the Animal Crossing amiibo card packs will only cost $5.96. Each pack comes with a total of six cards. You’ll basically getting a card per dollar!