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Chasing Aurora has been out since the Wii U’s launch, but Broken Rules isn’t done with the game. The studio is now working on a first update and demo. No word yet on when either of these will be made available.

Broken Rules tweeted today:


Famitsu is looking ahead to the future in this week’s issue. The magazine collected a number of responses from Japanese developers regarding their plans for 2013.

You can find comments from the likes of Konami, SEGA, Atlus, Platinum Games, and more below.

Company: Konami
Keyword/phrase: “Continuous, New Enjoyment.
Look To 2013: It’s top secret, so we can’t disclose it now. It’s a secret.

“I posted today that we are working on the next patch, which should include any updates/fixes made to the other platforms up to this point.” – A_Trey_U, via the Call of Duty Community Forums

This response was posted in a thread about whether or not DLC will be coming to the Wii U… and the developer just skipped right over talking about that! Somewhat frustrating as someone who really wants to give them my money for the next zombies map, but what can ya do!?

Via Call of Duty Community

This was mentioned in the press release we posted earlier today, but I thought this deserved a post of its own.

Yes, a demo for Fire Emblem: Awakening is coming. And yes, it’s coming out next week. North American 3DS owners will be able to download the demo on January 17.

Quite a number Crash Bandicoot games have been cancelled over the past few years. Studios have also worked on a few prototypes – including Mutant Mudds maker Renegade Kid.

Citing an anonymous source close to Activision, NintendoWorldReport writes that Renegade Kid created a demo around 2008 or 2009. A video featuring footage from the prototype is posted above.


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