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The Nintendo Switch version of Ravenswatch arrived this week, and we’ve got a launch trailer. The video gives fans a closer look at the top-down roguelike action title, which is made by Curse of the Dead Gods developer Passtech Games.

Learn more about it in the following overview:

Dragon Takers gameplay

A new round of gameplay is now available for Dragon Takers. This marks the latest RPG from Kemco, which appeared on Nintendo Switch this week.

As a reminder, here’s what to expect from the title:

Hunter x Hunter Nen x Impact Kite

The latest Hunter x Hunter: Nen x Impact character trailer just went live, and now we’ve got a look at Kite.

Kite, who is voiced by Shuichi Ikeda, is known for using a variety of projectiles to control the tide of battle. He’s able to use the “Silent Waltz” Aura Art to tear through enemy defenses and perform immediate consecutive attacks. In the manga and anime, Kite is a character that Gon feels a strong connection to.

Sword of the Necromancer Resurrection trailer

Grimorio of Games is promoting the new launch of the action RPG Sword of the Necromancer: Resurrection with a trailer. This is a 3D remake of the original title.

For more information, check out the following overview:

Ender Magnolia Bloom in the Mist gameplay

A bunch of gameplay is here for Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist. The follow-up to Ender Lilies just debuted this week.

Catch up on everything you need to know in the following overview:

Yu Gi Oh collection

Konami issued a new trailer for Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection that shows off the package’s lineup of games. 14 iconic titles originally released between 1998 and 2004 will be available.

Here’s an overview of the release:

Symphonia trailer

A new launch trailer has been released for the Nintendo Switch version of Symphonia. Following a short delay, it was just added to the Nintendo eShop.

Catch up on everything you need to know in the following overview:

X-Out Resurfaced release date physical

ININ Games shared more information about its new version of X-Out: Resurfaced, including a release date and physical edition.

The game launches digitally for Nintendo Switch on February 20, 2025. A physical special edition will be offered through ININ Games’ online store. It comes with the game, original soundtrack CD, and a history art book featuring interviews with the original Rainbow Arts developers and helpful in-depth tips about the ships and weapons for new X-Out cadets.

Star Wars Episode I Jedi Power Battles trailer

Ahead of the official re-release of Star Wars: Episode I: Jedi Power Battles comes the game’s official launch trailer. This goes beyond a simple remaster as new characters and more are included.

A full rundown of what to expect is available in the following overview:

Guilty Gear Strive is finally about to appear on Nintendo Switch, and Arc System Works readied a new launch trailer. Fans can see what the game has to offer with its imminent debut on the system.

Here’s more information about the game via its eShop page:

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