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3DS eShop

Update 2: Super Punch-Out!! confirmed for the New 3DS Virtual Console.

Update: Style Savvy is now confirmed for the Wii U Virtual Console.

Nintendo’s website has been updated with a number of games heading to the North American Wii U and 3DS eShops tomorrow.

Here’s what’s on top thus far:

Wii U

The Beggar’s Ride – $5.99
Escape From Flare Industries – $3.99
Midnight 2 – $1.99
PixelMaker – $2.99
SpaceRoads – $9.99
Sudoku and Permudoku – $0.99


Pocket Card Jockey – ?

Of course, other games may end up on the eShop tomorrow (like possibly Virtual Console titles, which we’ll hear about today or tomorrow). The full Nintendo Download report will also have news about 3DS themes, eShop sales, and more.

Pocket Card Jockey is arriving on the 3DS eShop in both North America and Europe tomorrow. Polygon now has 24 minutes of footage available of the download – see below.

Amzy has prepared several new Battle of Elemental REBOOST videos which highlight some of the playable characters. Below, you can get a look at Celsius, Fahrenheit, Mole, and Biot.

During an event in Japan, Inti Creates showed new footage from Azure Striker Gunvolt 2. Check out a recording from Niconico below.

Even though it officially came out last week, Nintendo has just now readied a launch trailer for Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge. Find it below.

The Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle kicked off last week. New games have now been added for those who pay more than the average. If you’re eligible, you now have access to Runbow (Wii U), Swords & Soldiers II (Wii U), and Nano Assault EX (3DS).

To recap:

Pay $1

– Retro City Rampage: DX (3DS)
– Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U)
– Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (Wii U / 3DS)

Pay more than the average

– Retro City Rampage: DX (3DS)
– Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U)
– Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (Wii U / 3DS)
– Freedom Planet (Wii U)
– Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure (3DS)
– Citizens of Earth (Wii U or 3DS)
– Retro City Rampage: DX 3DS theme (3DS)
– Runbow (Wii U) (new)
– Swords & Soldiers II (Wii U) (new)
– Nano Assault EX (3DS) (new)

Pay $13 or more

– Retro City Rampage: DX (3DS)
– Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U)
– Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (Wii U / 3DS)
– Freedom Planet (Wii U)
– Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure (3DS)
– Citizens of Earth (Wii U or 3DS)
– Retro City Rampage: DX 3DS theme (3DS)
– Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (3DS)
– Darksiders II (Wii U)
– Runbow (Wii U) (new)
– Swords & Soldiers II (Wii U) (new)
– Nano Assault EX (3DS) (new)

You can order the Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle right here.

Indie platformer VVVVVV has been removed from the North American 3DS eShop after a new 3DS homebrew hack that uses the game was discovered last week. The hack allows users to run homebrew software on their 3DS, but it only works in conjunction with another “primary” entry point hack. VVVVVV creator Terry Cavanagh was aware of this exploit, but also hoped that the fact that VVVVVV by itself was not enough to run homebrew software on the 3DS would not require him to patch the game.

Well, it seems like he definitely has to do that now if he wants to keep selling his game. As of right now, VVVVVV is still available on the European 3DS eShop, but it’s likely just a matter of time before it gets pulled from that storefront as well.

Source Via

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse
2. Retro City Rampage DX
3. Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure
4. Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
5. Pokemon Yellow
6. Citizens of Earth
7. Zelda: A Link to the Past
8. Mario Kart 7
9. Super Metroid
10. Pokemon Red
11. Pokemon Blue
12. Super Mario World
13. EarthBound
14. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
15. Bravely Second
16. Super Mario Bros. 3
17. Donkey Kong Country 2
18. Devil Survivor Overclocked
19. Shovel Knight
20. Hyrule Warriors Legends


1. Pokemon Picross – Turn Puzzles into Portraits
2. Zelda: A Link to the Past Trailer
3. SEGA 3D Classics Collection Trailer
4. Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games E3 2015 Video
5. Pokemon Yellow Trailer
6. Hyrule Warriors Legends Launch Trailer
7. Pocket Card Jockey: Horsin’ Around
8. Super Mario World Trailer
9. Yo-kai Watch Episode 1
10. Yo-kai Watch Launch Trailer
11. Photos with Mario Trailer
12. Super Metroid Trailer
13. Bravely Second – Begin the Journey Trailer
14. Langrisser -TENSEI- Trailer
15. Mario Kart 7 Video
16. Super Smash Bros. – Final Presentation
17. Donkey Kong Country 2 Trailer
18. Monster Hunter Generations Trailer
19. Minecraft: Story Mode Trailer
20. Pokemon Red Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop


The Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle has generated over $1 million in payments, according to the official site. Over 100,537 purchases have been made thus far. The average purchase is of nearly $10.

More games will be added to the Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle tomorrow for those who have paid more than the average. We’ll let you know which ones those are as soon as they are announced.

Source, Via

Super Meat Boy was confirmed for a May 12 release on the European Wii U eShop a few days ago. An announcement sent out today reveals that the game will also be out in North America on the same day.

Super Meat Boy will cost $14 / £13 / €14 at launch, which is a 20 percent discount. It’s seeing a 20 percent discount until May 26.

Along with Super Meat Boy’s Wii U release date news, the announcement contained an interesting section which seems to tease a 3DS version. Here’s that relevant part of the press release:

Super Meat Boy launched in 2010 on Xbox 360 and PC, and was immediately labeled as a definitive work in the sub-genre of brutally difficult platformers. Since then, gamers all over the world have been waiting to play it on other platforms. It was finally released on PS4 and Vita last year and with the Wii U version arriving this month, only the 3DS will be missing (but maybe not for too long ;)) Gotta catch them all!

Source: Team Meat / BlitWorks PR

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