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3DS eShop

Twitch still has auto-play issues, so you’ll need to head past the break for this one!

Vblank Entertainment shared another nugget about the upcoming update for Retro City Rampage: DX. The patch “significantly improves performance on the old 3DS” so that the game’s frame rate can be optimized. There’s no date yet for the update, but it may arrive before the New 3DS launches.


We brought you the file size for Citizens of Earth’s Wii U version earlier today, and now we have the same information for the 3DS equivalent. On Nintendo’s handheld, Citizens of Earth requires 8,850 blocks of space. That should convert to just over 1GB.


IGN published a new article about IronFall: Invasion, and it contains a few details about the game. Find the information rounded up below.

– Has Gears of War’s sticky cover and active reload
– Enemies will pop in and out of cover while trying to flank you
– Campaign and wave-based co-op mode has only shown one enemy thus far
– It’s a rifle-wielding enemy
– Uses the New 3DS’ c-stick for aiming
– Can adjust speed settings for aiming
– Cut-scenes show two separate characters’ POVs during cutscenes on the top and bottom screens
– Flickering hallway lights affect the hero character Jim in real time
– Early in the single-player story, Jim gets too close to a bomb detonation, causing disorientation in the form of a wobbling camera and frantic blinking during his recovery
– 60 frames per second with 3D off


Announced via their twitter feed today, Nintendo of Europe/UK will launch both Cooking Mama: Bon Appétit! and Cooking Mama: Forest friends on the European 3DS eshop on 3/6/15.

Australia and New Zealand will also see both games come to the eshop one day later on 3/7/15.

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