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3DS eShop

Pokémon Shuffle Launch Announced, New Pokémon Discovered in Pokémon Omega Ruby and
Alpha Sapphire

New Pokémon puzzle game can be downloaded at no cost from Nintendo eShop. Plus, Mythical Pokémon Hoopa discovered for Pokémon Omega Ruby and
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire games.

BELLEVUE, WA—January 14, 2015—The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo have announced Pokémon Shuffle, a new game for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems that can be downloaded by players from Nintendo eShop at no cost.

In Pokémon Shuffle, players will put their puzzle-solving skills to the test as they battle wild Pokémon across a variety of stages. Match three or more Pokémon in the Puzzle Area to deal damage. The aim of the game is to reduce the wild Pokémon’s HP to zero within the number of moves available.??

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Nintendo has announced a new Pokemon game for the 3DS eShop, Pokemon Shuffle. Here’s what we know:

– Puzzle game
– Limit on how many moves you can make for each battle
– Free to play
– Out in February

Square Enix released Final Fantasy 1 alongside Final Fantasy Explorers as a first-print bonus, complete with 3D support. Now the game is being released on the Japanese 3DS eShop next week.

Final Fantasy 1 is due out on January 21 for 1,080 yen. View some screenshots above.


Those who purchase Citizens of Earth at launch will be able to pick up the game at a discounted price, Atlus has announced.

Here’s the full rundown:

Wii U and 3DS (North America) — Launches Tuesday, Jan. 20
20% discount ($11.99) at launch for one week (through 1/27)

Wii U and 3DS (Europe) — Launches Thursday, Jan. 22
20% discount (€9,59) at launch for one week (through 1/29); people who own either version can buy the other platform at 40% discount; buy one, get the other for €7,19 for one week only (through 1/29)

You can also find another batch of new Citizens of Earth screenshots below.

Source: Atlus PR


Atlus has discounted its games on the 3DS eShop once again. Through January 19, you can save on the following titles:

Code of Princess
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

Each of these games are available for $14.99.

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