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Japan’s Club Nintendo platinum rewards were announced today. The downloadable game Nintendouji, a set of Mario playing cards, a Pikmin tote bag, and Club Nintendo 2013 calendar are among the prizes.

Nintendouji is probably the most-interesting of the bunch. It’s a turn-based card title for DSiWare with dungeon-crawler and RPG aspects. Nintendouji’s name, which is a pun, means “Nintendo Boy”.

Nintendouji will be available for those who choose the prize in March 2013.

Source, Via

A new Wii update is now available for download. Given its successor will be out in just a few days, this could be the old console’s final firmware upgrade.

Nintendo hasn’t officially said what the new update does. One probable guess is that by applying firmware, you’ll be able to transfer content from the Wii to Wii U.

We initially weren’t sure if BlayzBloo: Clone Phantasma, announced via Famitsu yesterday, would be a downloadable title like its predecessor. Additional information confirms this will be the case. Japanese 3DS users will be able to download Clone Phantasma from the eShop this winter.

According to Famitsu, ten playable characters – such as Ragna, Noel, and Jin – and seven stages will be included. It offers a wacky story mode as well, apparently.


Yes, the Wii U eShop is seriously getting a Wii U eShop game. KnapNok Games will be releasing the title in Spring 2013.

An overview of Spin the Bottle is posted below.

Little Inferno trailer

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

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