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Linelight, a minimalist puzzle-adventure game, lands on Switch today. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

Linelight is available for Switch via the eShop. Find more information about the title here.

El Hijo: A Wild West Tale

HandyGames and Honig Studios have published a developer diary for the spaghetti-western stealth game El Hijo: A Wild West Tale.

A release window for El Hijo: A Wild West Tale has now yet been announced, but it’ll be on Switch at launch.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Famitsu are as follows:

Bear and Breakfast

Developer Gummy Cat has published a developer diary for Bear and Breakfast, its laid-back management adventure game. The video goes over inspirations, trials, and tribulations – from life in the studio’s home country of Romania, to ecological concerns, to an innate desire to avoid “wasted potential”.

Here’s the full developer diary:

Daemon X Machina

To celebrate its first anniversary, Daemon X Machina received a major 1.4.0 update last week. A bunch of new content was added in the patch. For those that need a reminder of everything included, we have the full roundup here.

Another small patch has been released to address an issue from version 1.4.0. Players can now access version 1.4.0, which fixes a bug in which the new mission “Destroy Eclipse RT: Ω” would not be added.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe

A little while back, My Nintendo added a few Pikmin 3 Deluxe rewards in North America. Members in Europe can now get their hands on one of these items – a set of coasters.

You’ll be getting a pack of four with this reward, and each has its own design. The reward costs 400 Platinum Points though there’s a shipping fee as well.

You can order the Pikmin 3 Deluxe coasters here.

The Pawns of Loki event is now underway. Various celebrations will begin to commemorate the occasion. The basic rules of game play can be found on the Fire Emblem Heroes news page, and players can enjoy the listed perks from the announcement below:

To commemorate the first Pawns of Loki event, the Pawns of Loki Debut celebration is underway!

・Pawns of Loki Debut Gift


・Daily Reward Maps

・Daily Skill Focus Summoning Events

・Quintuple EXP & SP Event

A confirmed release date for leaked title Doraemon Learning Collection has been announced. Priced at 4,950 yen, the collection will see release on Feb. 4th, 2021. The list of included games can be seen here:

Dora Kazu: Nobita no Suuji Daibouken (July 2012) – Math Training
Dora Chie: Mini-Dora Ongakutai to 7-tsu no Chie (November 2013) – Brain Training
Dora Eigo: Nobita to Yousei no Fushigi Collection (November 2014) – English Training
Dora Moji: Nobita no Kanji Daibouken (February 2015) – Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji Training

Pokemon GO

More trainers can now transfer Pokemon from GO to HOME. GO players level 33 and higher can send a limited amount of Pokemon at a time to their linked HOME app. Take a look here for instructions on how to set up and use the transfer feature. What Pokemon are you excited to transfer?

Shonen Jump has revealed that the next DLC character for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 is to be Kiku. Following Kin’emon, she is the second character announced of this DLC pack, with a third character yet to be announced. Currently, a release date for this character pack is unknown.

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