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Picross S Namco Legendary Edition gameplay

Gameplay has come in for Picross S Namco Legendary Edition, the latest release from Jupiter. The title came out this week just a few days after its announcement.

A bit of information about it can be found in the following overview:

Paper Mario Thousand Year Door

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


Hardest Switch Games to 100 percent

Given the scale of the games that have released on Switch, it’s safe to say that the first-party titles on the console are lengthier and more involved than any generations of games we’ve seen from Nintendo. Today, we’re going through a big list of some of the hardest Switch games to 100 percent complete, plus small tidbits on what that completion entails.

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Hyrule Warriors concerns

Hyrule Warriors has become a fairly successful sub-series for The Legend of Zelda, but prior to its release, Nintendo of America was apparently concerned about the game.

That news comes from Kit Ellis, who has many years of experience working at the company. He mentioned during the latest Kit & Krysta podcast episode how people within Nintendo of America were worried about the quality of Hyrule Warriors and the possibility of it dropping the status of Zelda. Some even felt that it shouldn’t be released in North America.

Ctrl Alt Ego

Following its initial stint on PC, Ctrl Alt Ego is now getting a new version for consoles – including Switch. Klabater will be responsible for porting, though the company has yet to determine a release window.

Ctrl Alt Ego, an immersive sci-fi sim with a first-person perspective, has players transmitting their disembodied consciousness between robots and devices to exploit their capabilities.

For more information, read the following overview:

prince mush how to beat paper mario

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is generally light on brand-new content compared to its original version, but the game actually includes a brand-new secret boss. And spoiler alert: it’s incredibly tough. This boss becomes available after you clear Chapter 5, though we don’t recommend taking the challenge until well after you’ve beaten the game. As this boss is new to the Switch remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, its identity can still be considered a spoiler for those looking to discover this for themselves. If you don’t want to be spoiled, come back later. Otherwise, we’ve prepared a handy list of tips and tricks on how to defeat one of the toughest bosses in the game.

7 star swampert pokemon scarlet violet guide

The 7 Star Swampert Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now, and we have a guide ready to go. For this event, Swampert is running Tera Poison, meaning it’s weak to Ground- and Psychic-type attacks and not much else. The event runs from May 31 to June 2, and then it comes back between June 7 and June 9. We’ve gathered up a few counters you can prepare for this event here.

Tomba Special Edition

Thanks to Limited Run Games, we have a release date for Tomba Special Edition. The title launches on August 1, 2024.

Tomba Special Edition is a new version of the 1997 platformer. The re-release was announced nearly a year ago, but there was no word on launch timing until now.

Cassette Beasts physical

Super Rare Games is back with another Switch physical announcement, this time for Cassette Beasts. Note that the Pier of the Unknown and Cosplay Pack DLCs will be included on the cartridge.

3,000 standard copies will be made available alongside 3,000 for the Deluxe Edition. The latter version includes a copy of the game, full color hardcover art book, XXX track 80s vibe CD soundtrack composed by Joel Baylis, iron-on Cassette Beasts logo patch, full set of trading cards, sticker sheet, full color bespoke manual and SRG game sticker, and a special box.

One Piece Odyssey

April 15: Bandai Namco is bringing One Piece Odyssey to Switch, the company just announced. It’s set to launch on July 26, 2024.

One Piece Odyssey is a turn-based RPG that first came out last year. Ilca, perhaps best known for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, worked on the game. 

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