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Update: To clarify, this reversible cover only comes with the Metroid: Samus Returns Special Edition. It is not included with regular copies.

Original: Here’s a little something new we’re learning about Metroid: Samus Returns. New copies of the game come with a reversible cover, and it’s a pretty darn good one. Nintendo went out of its way to pay homage to the original title on Game Boy, of which Samus Returns is naturally based on.


Shots Fired is in the works for Switch, publisher Another Indie and developer Chryse announced today. The game is scheduled for Q1 2018.

Shots Fired is an assassination simulator featuring glorious pixel art and cunning humor. A more comprehensive overview is below, along with a trailer.

As mentioned earlier today, Minecraft will be impacted by maintenance tonight. When it’s complete, a new patch should be out on both Switch and Wii U.

Among what’s due out today is the Glide Myths Track pack. A new “Stranges – Biome Settlers 3” Skin Pack is also incoming.

Full patch notes for both versions are below. 

With the release of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Ubisoft has uploaded a ton of videos for the game. We’ve uploaded what might be the best unboxing video ever below. You can find a bunch of additional videos here.

SEGA will have two games on display at PAX West 2017 later this week. Along with Sonic Forces, Total War: Warhammer II will be playable.

PAX West runs between September 1 and September 4.

Source: SEGA PR

Nicalis is back at it again with another announcement for Switch. Today, the company announced that Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San is coming to Switch.

Here’s an overview:

According to Finn “Tiyuri” Brice of Chucklefish games, the Switch version of Stardew Valley is coming along nicely and is being submitted for testing this week. A release date for the anticipated port is still to be determined. His exact post is below.

Nifflas and Raw Fury are teaming up to put the new game Uurnog Uurnlimited on Switch, the two sides announced today. Nintendo fans may recognize Nifflas for the Wii U eShop games Affordable Space Adventures and Knytt Underground.

Here’s a lengthy overview:

The newest character trailer for Pokken Tournament DX features Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokemon. It will be embracing a psychic moveset as well as its mega evolution for the upcoming Switch fighter. Trailer below.

Ben 10 is coming to Switch, a listing on Amazon reveals. Outright Games previously teased a release on Nintendo’s console, but this is the first actual confirmation we have.

Amazon’s listing doesn’t contain any information at present. However, first screenshots seem to show that it’ll be an action game / brawler. We also have a look at the boxart above.

Amazon tentatively lists Ben 10 for the end of October. Pre-orders are open here.

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