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Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting a new Summoning Focus event highlighting Heroes with the Special Spiral 3 skill. If their Special triggers before or during combat, they are granted Special cooldown count-2 after combat. The featured Heroes are Keaton: Lupine Collector, Igrene: Nabata Protector, and Lewyn: Guiding Breeze. This event will be active until October 23.

Additionally, a new map in Tactics Drill Maps is now available: Take Your Positions! (Grandmaster).

A Gala Dragalia Remix will start on Oct. 15, 11 PM PT. Adventurers such as 5★ Halloween Melsa and Halloween Akasha will appear in the summon showcase. You can get a preview for these characters in the video below:


Mario Kart Tour

A new update has gone live for Mario Kart Tour. Version 2.6.0 is out now, which includes auto mode and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Two new events start today in Fire Emblem Heroes.
First, the latest Hall of Forms is now live, and players can clear a map every day to earn rewards. This event features the Heroes Camilla: Flower of Fantasy, Corrin: Dream Princess, Corrin: Dream Prince, and Xander: Dancing Knight>

Additionally, the latest Mjölnir Strike is now live, featuring an enemy army led by Travant. The Brace Phase will last from today, October 14 until October 16, Shield Phase from October 16 to 17, and Counter Phase from October 17 to 18.

Horgihugh With Friends is an almost-original reboot of iOS and PC game Horgihugh. It features new weapons, stages, and enemy characters, a number of new characters to enliven the story, and a new “Eterday Restoration Mode.”These new features are a wonderful addition to the game’s first console release. This Horizontal side-scrolling shoot-em-up doesn’t have a Western release date, but will be available in Japan sometime in February 2021.


DeNA has announced that the next event coming to Pokemon Masters EX will be a story event called Fight or Fright. Slated to start on October 15, this Halloween themed event will feature two variants of Sync Pairs: Acerola & Mimikyu, and Hilbert & Mightyena.

The latest Summoning Event for Fire Emblem Heroes is now live. In this Double Special Heroes Summoning Focus, two 5-star Heroes of each color are available with an initial appearance rate of 6%. The featured Heroes are Mia: Harmonic Blades, Micaiah: Dawn Wind’s Duo, Marth: Legacied Hero, Oboro: Fierce Bride-to-Be, Narcian: Vernal General, Rafiel: Blessed Wings, Nailah: Blessed Queen, and Merric: Changing Wings. This event will be active until October 27.

Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting a new Summoning Focus starring Heroes that gained new skills. The New Power Summoning Focus features the Heroes Sigurd: Holy Knight, Effie: Army of One, and Rhaja: Black Magician. This event will be available until October 15.

Dragalia Lost has received a new update (version 2.0.1) that fixes a few bugs in various chapters.

The official patch notes are below for the specific fixes.

Dragalia Lost has released its newest content, this time adding the onslaught event, Postmortem Panic, an epilogue to Forgotten Truths, Halloween goodies for logging in, and a new Platinum Showcase and Dragon Special summoning showcase.

To start, the log-in bonus will give out rewards for the next seven days. These specific rewards will be:

Day 1: Gold Crystal × 200
Day 2: Sunlight Ore × 1
Day 3: Consecrated Water × 200
Day 4: Blessed Ethon Ashes × 20
Day 5: Exquisite Honey × 20
Day 6: Champion’s Testament × 1
Day 7: Wyrmite × 400

Next up, both of the summoning showcase (Platinum and Dragon Special) are featuring Dragons to give players a better chance of summoning them. The dragons featured in both showcases are Konohana Sakuya, Gaibhne & Creidhne, and Ariel. These showcases will run until October 15, 2020 at 10:59pm PT.

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