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Special thanks to Serebii for the translation of today’s new events, which you can see after the break:

The Fire Emblem: Kindred Ties event has started as of Apr. 29, 11 PM PT. You can play the defensive battle quests in co-op mode. Protect your gate from imperial soldiers and earn rewards. Coliseum quests will also be added on May 3, 11 PM PT. The first part of the Summon Showcase for Kindred Ties is also available. Check out the video below to see Chrom and Peony in the spotlight.

Pokemon GO will be ending season 1 of its GO Battle League this week. Developer Niantic is promptly following up with Season 2, which begins on May 1 at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET.

New features, rewards, and changes are planned for the upcoming season. We have the full rundown from GameSpot below.

Bound Hero Battle Revival: Tibarn & Caineghis is up and running in Fire Emblem Heroes. Tibarn and Caineghis. from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, have returned in Special Maps. Orbs can be obtained if you take on Hard through Infernal modes.

We’ll also mention that there’s a Grand Hero Battle Revival featuring Garon: King of Nohr. It’ll be available for two days only, lasting until April 30.

Dragalia Lost is kicking off its Fire Emblem: Kindred Ties (Part One) summon showcase next week, Nintendo and Cygames have announced. The event goes live on April 29 at 11 PM PT / April 30 at 2 AM ET.

Adventurers 5-star Chrom and 5-star Peony will be featured this week. Sharena and Tiki will be available in Part Two.

Here’s a trailer for Fire Emblem: Kindred Ties (Part One):

Fire Emblem Heroes

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have detailed a new update for Fire Emblem Heroes. Version 4.5.0 is dropping next week – specifically May 7.

Here’s a full rundown of the update, courtesy of Serenes Forest:

Niantic has announced a series of Throwback Challenge events for Pokemon GO. Players will be able to partake in Timed Research lines with limited-time tasks. There will be a total of eight sets, each with three tasks.

Each week will offer different tasks themed around different regions of the Pokemon world. When the different regions are featured, Pokemon that were originally discovered there will appear more frequently. Complete the Timed Research sets in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh to unlock the Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 Special Research, in which Rare Candies, Professor Willow’s glasses, and more can be earned. Genesect, Galarian Meowth, and Galarian Stunfisk will also appear. 

Here’s the full rundown as to what’s planned:

Ciella’s Wrath was added to The Agito Uprising on Apr. 27, 11 PM PT. Clear the quest to get the materials required to craft 6★ weapons. You can use materials obtained by defeating Ciella to craft wind-attuned weapons with skills that switch effects each time you use them. You must have first obtained specific weapons before you can craft weapons using materials obtained from Ciella. Additionally, a tenfold summon voucher was sent to all players to celebrate the recent update to version 1.19.0

Edelgard: Flame Emperor is joining Fire Emblem Heroes as the game’s latest Legendary Hero, Nintendo has announced. The character will be live on April 30. Other Heroes will also appear.

We have a trailer for Edelgard: Flame Emperor below. The event lasts until May 6.

It’s been announced that Darkrai, Altered Forme Giratina, and Virizion will soon be appearin in Pokemon GO as part of five-star raids. Players may also encounter a shiny version if they’re lucky enough.

Here’s a breakdown as to when the Pokemon will be appearing:

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