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Fire Emblem Heroes

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced a new update for Fire Emblem Heroes. In early May, the mobile title will be updated to version 3.5.0.

The update features Friend Mock Battles in Aether Raids, new weapon skills and weapons to refine, more Heroes in Heroic Grails, and Equip Seals screen improvements. We have the full details below.

Cygames has confirmed that they have reset the limits on certain redeemable rewards in the Void Battles Treasure Trade.

Those who have already redeemed the maximum number of rewards through the trade system ma now start trading for them once again, as the limit has been reset for the new month.

More details can be viewed below.

Dragalia Lost’s latest event has gone live. Players can participate in a Platinum Showcase, in which a featured 5-star dragon like 5-star Cerberus or 5-star Simurgh is guaranteed to appear as your tenth summon in a Tenfold Summon.

The Platinum Showcase ends on May 14. For additional details, visit the official page here.

The previously announced Children’s Day Voting Gauntlet has now kicked off in Fire Emblem Heroes. Here are the first-round matchups:

  • Tiki: Dragon Scion vs Kana: Dragon Spawn
  • Lugh: Anima Child vs Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall
  • Fae: Divine Dragon vs Yune: Chaos Goddess
  • Nino: Pale Flower vs Delthea: Free Spirit

As always, the Voting Gauntlet consists of two rounds with each lasting two days, for a total of six days.

The Golden Week celebration is also still ongoing. A new set of Allegiance Battle quests has gone live, awarding you with First Summon Tickets for the Choose Your Legends Hero Fest Summoning Foci. The quests will be available for one week.

A trio of new Legendary Pokemon are now appearing in Pokemon GO. Niantic has released Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit into the wild. We’re hearing reports that Azelf has been spotted in the United States while Uxie has been found in Japan.

Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit first appeared in the Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum generation. The manner in which they’ve been added to Pokemon GO is interesting, as Legendary Pokemon can’t typically be caught in the while.


Starting today, DJ KK’s beat booth is now available in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. If you place it at your campsite or cabin, DJ KK will sometimes drop by.

DJ KK’s beat booth can be ordered from the Special-Available for a Limited Time section of the Craft menu. It can be crafted with 350 Leaf Tickets. This will be available until June 26.

A bunch of different events have kicked off in Fire Emblem Heroes today.

First up, to celebrate Golden Week, nine events have gone live. These include log-in bonuses, special maps for ten days straight, Hero Fest with special versions of the four Heroes from Choose Your Legends: Round 1 and 2, Aether Raids, and increased EXP and SP from battle.

The next Voting Gauntlet event in Fire Emblem Emblem Heroes is on its day. Voting Gauntlet: Children’s Day will run from April 30th till May 6th. As the name implies, this Voting Gauntlet is based on the Japanese holiday of the same name which is on May 5th, and all the participants are children. Here are the first-round matchups:

  • Tiki: Dragon Scion vs Kana: Dragon Spawn
  • Lugh: Anima Child vs Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall
  • Fae: Divine Dragon vs Yune: Chaos Goddess
  • Nino: Pale Flower vs Delthea: Free Spirit

There are also two Summoning Foci live right now till May 6th featuring some of those characters. Summoning Focus Set A has Lugh: Anima Child, Tiki: Dragon Scion and Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall as 5-star focus units, while Set B has Nino: Pale Flower, Delthea: Free Spirit and Fae: Divine Dragon.

After much anticipation, the Fire Emblem: Lost Heroes Summon Showcase is now live in Dragalia Lost.
As previously revealed, five-star Adventurers Earth, Fjorm, and Veronica are now available for summoning in the game. 

In partial celebration to the new Fire Emblem: Lost Heroes event in Dragalia Lost, Cygames has also started a new Twitter campaign for players to retweet and earn in-game rewards.

The campaign period is set to last now until May 6th. In total, there are four tiers of retweets that can be reached in order for players to receive increased goodies. The details are included below:

  • 3 000 Retweets: 100 Gold Crystals
  • 5 000 Retweets: 100 Gold Crystals and 100 Succulent Dragonfruit
  • 8 000 Retweets: 100 Gold Crystals, 100 Succulent Dragonfruit and 100 Gold Whetstones
  • 10 000 Retweets: 100 Gold Crystals, 100 Succulent Dragonfruit, 100 Gold Whetstones and 100 Consecrated Water

In addition, 12 players will be selected at random to receive one of each five-star Dragon that has appeared in the game up until April 25th.
The indicated tweet is embedded below, as well:

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