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The next Bound Hero Battle has started in Fire Emblem Heroes. This one has you facing off against two of the main characters from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Micaiah and Sothe. This Bound Hero Battle will be available until August 28th.

As always, there’s also an accompanying Summoning Focus that’ll be available for the same period of time. The focus units are Micaiah: Priestess of Dawn, Sothe: Zephyr and Sanaki: Begnion’s Apostle.

The newest Gyroidite Scavenger Hunt is live in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp and will run until August 29. You have the chance to hunt little denim gyroidites, finding nuggets throughout the map and using them to craft denim items. You need leaf tickets to craft the denim display table and denim shirt, but you have the chance to earn extra leaf tickets through Isabelle’s Goals for a limited time.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems will be back very soon with a new Feh Channel broadcast for Fire Emblem Heroes. The Choose Your Legends 2018 Edition presentation will be taking place tomorrow – that’s August 20 in North America and August 21 in Europe.

Below are the relevant times:

Super Mario Run’s latest event is live. In Remix 10, the Bonus Medals you can collect will be multiplied by 1.2, meaning you’ll have more chances to earn special items in the Super Bonus Game.

The event lasts until August 31.

A new set of Weapon Workout quests are now available in Fire Emblem Heroes until August 31st. As the name implies, these quests require you to defeat enemies with characters using a variety of weapons. You can get orbs, Arena Medals, Stamina Potions and Great Badges as rewards for these quests.

Also, the third question of Feh’s Summer Quiz is now available here. Today’s question is:

A new event has begun for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. During the Festival seeds for event flowers are available in the garden. You can cross-pollinate them to grow rare-colored flowers.

The Flower Festival ends on August 29.

Starting today, Regirock can be found in Pokemon GO through Raid Battles. It’s taking over for Registeel until September 20.

Regirock’s defense is sturdy, but it’s weak to Water-, Grass-, Fighting-, Ground-, and Steel-type attacks.


Pokemon GO will have new Special Research starting August 20. For the latest event, Celebi will be featured.

Here’s the full rundown on what’s planned straight from Niantic:

Once again, the Animal Crossing Twitter account is teasing three more animals being added to Pocket Camp soon. Can you tell who they might be based on their silhouettes?


A couple of Fire Emblem Heroes updates today: first up, today’s daily Summoning Focus is Weapons to Refine, Part 2. The focus units are Eldigan: Lionheart, Minerva: Red Dragoon and Jaffar: Angel of Death.

One more skill-based Summoning Focus went live today, though this one will be available for a while longer, until August 26th: Heroes with Draconic Aura. The focus units are Karla: Sword Vassal, Ares: Black Knight and Kana: Dragon Princess.

Since it’s Thursday, Tactics Drills received its weekly update. The new map “A Land Divided” can be found in the Grandmaster section.

Finally, the second question of Feh’s Summer Quiz is now available to answer here:

In the Fire Emblem Heroes game, three versions of Hector have been released so far. Each one has differences. Out of the three, which appears taller than the others in the stance he takes at the beginning of a turn?

  • A: Hector, General of Ostia
  • B: Hector, Just Here To Fight
  • C: Hector, Marquess of Ostia

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