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Miitomo has received a couple of new updates. New items are out now in Miitomo Shop, and there is an additional theme in Miitomo Drop.

First, here’s the lineup of new items:

– Ribbon wire hairband
– Overalls + dress shirt
– Mid-length skirt
– Ribbed short socks
– Paisley slip-ons
– Mirrorless camera
– Present bow
– Present box

“Dinosaurs! Prehistoric Posh” stages have been added to Miitomo Drop. They’ll provide you with the following:

– Tyrannosaur hood (set)
– Tyrannosaurus suit (set)
– Stegosaurus plates
– Archaeopteryx necklace
– T. rex skull
– T. rex tailbones
– Pteranodon pal
– Triceratops hat
– Dinosaur mesh cap
– Big dinosaur tee
– Dino-clawed pants


TechCrunch is among the outlets to have interviewed an executive from Nintendo. The publication caught up with Charlie Scibetta, Nintendo of America’s senior director of corporate communications this past week.

TechCrunch started out by asking about how Nintendo approaches E3. Regarding that, Scibetta explained:

“We announced about a month ago that it would be a Zelda only game for us. And we also announced that Treehouse Live would be the primary way that we communicated with the public. here’s always speculation at a show like E3, but for us, we stayed true to what we intended to do.”

“Every year we look at it fresh and don’t think about what we did the year before. It’s about what we want to talk about this year and how we want to get the word out. For future years, it could be an execution like we did this time, we could go back to a presentation, we could do more Treehouse Live, we could go to a digital event, we could do something new.“

Nintendo UK is now taking pre-orders for the Pokemon GO Plus device. You can reserve it right here. We also have a look at the packaging, posted above.

For those that missed it, Pokemon GO Plus can be pre-ordered on Amazon US here. It’s on Amazon Canada here.

Thanks to Jason Burrows for the tip.

GameXplain has a new video up with roughly a half hour of footage from Rhythm Heaven Megamix. Watch it below.

Over in Miitomo, new items have been added to the daily selections in Miitomo Shop. Nintendo mentions that different players will see different offerings each day. Rare items have a chance of appearing.


This information comes from Niantic’s blog…

Our team has been making the most of the sunny California weather by walking long distances and enthusiastically testing all of the refinement and new features in Pokémon GO. Many of these refinements have been inspired by feedback received from our field testers in Australia, New Zealand, Japan and United States. Thank you for testing the app and for giving us such great feedback.

We have a few exciting updates to share. We’ve added a new Camera feature that enables Trainers to take photographs of their wild Pokémon encounters. Now you can take a photo of Squirtle next to that scenic lake or Ivysaur hanging out by the park. The photos will be saved to your phone’s camera roll to share with whomever you’d like. We can’t wait to see the varied environments in which trainers will find wild Pokémon.

We’re also thrilled to announce that Pokémon GO’s all-new music track is composed by GAME FREAK’s Junichi Masuda. We’ve been working closely with Masuda-san on several of the core game design elements of Pokémon GO and feel very fortunate to also have drawn from his decades of experience composing original music for the Pokémon games.

We enjoyed participating in Nintendo’s Treehouse Live Pokémon GO developer Q&A session at E3 today. With each day, we’re getting closer to launch and we can’t wait to share this game with everyone. Stay tuned for more details.


As revealed by Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda during today’s Treehouse stream, there are plans for Pokemon GO to connect with the main Pokemon games in the future. This won’t be at launch though, as the developers want players to focus on catching Pokemon in real life. The same stream also reconfirmed that trading will be coming to Pokemon GO at some point.

During today’s Nintendo Treehouse stream hosted at E3, it was announced that the Pokemon GO Plus device for Pokemon GO is planned for release at the end of July. It will be priced at $34.99.

Pokemon GO is only going to have the first generation of Pokemon to start out. However, in the future, there are plans for future generations to be added. This tidbit was shared during today’s E3 Treehouse stream.

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