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Switch eShop


Team17’s latest game Sheltered hits the Switch eShop today. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

QubicGames has been putting out Switch games at a fast past as of late and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. The company has announced yet another title today: the single-button, music-based challenging side-scrolling game Odium to the Core.

Here’s what we know:

Version 7.10 of Fortnite is now available. This update adds the “14 days of Fortnite” limited time mode, new options in Creative Mode, balance changes and more. Here are the full patch notes:

Battle Royale

What’s New?

14 Days of Fortnite
Explore new Challenges, play in new and old LTM’s, and unlock rewards in this seasonal event, starting December 19!

Limited Time Modes: 14 Days of Fortnite

The 14 Days of Fortnite event will feature both new and returning LTMs. Large team modes switch every two days and small team modes rotate every 24 hours.

Starting December 19, log in each day at 9 AM ET(1400 UTC) to find out which modes are available to explore. Let us know which LTM is your favorite on our social channels!  

Weapons + Items

  • Heavy Assault Rifle Changes:
    • Reduced the effectiveness of the Heavy Assault Rifle while not aiming down sights; aiming down sight gameplay remains roughly the same
      • Increased ADS accuracy bonus by 10%
      • Increased accuracy while standing still by 10%
      • Reduced vertical recoil by 6%
      • Base accuracy reduced by 30%
      • Reduced accuracy while jumping and falling by 60%
  • Improved Balloon controls
    • While in the air, Balloons can be released by pressing the ‘Crouch’ keybind(formerly the ‘Jump’ keybind).
    • Players can again use Alt-Fire to release a Balloon when the Balloon item is selected.
  • For modes it’s available in, the height at which glider redeploy is available has been decreased from 1000 units to 576 units.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players were able to pick up live Dynamite through structures.

A new set of rewards is now available within Arena of Valor.

Specifically, the rewards pertain to participating in Snow Festival Event 1. The rewards can be viewed below and will be available until December 24th.


Graphite Lab is bringing its overlooked Wii U title Hive Jump to Switch, the studio has announced. The game will be launching next month on the eShop.

We have the following overview for Hive Jump and a new Switch trailer:


System Era posted a new trailer for Astroneer today showing some of the first unreleased prototypes, and progression up to today. Watch it below.

Gunman Clive HD Collection

Gunman Clive HD Collection has been given a Switch release date. The digital collection is on track for January 17, creator Bertil Hörberg has announced.

Here’s an overview and trailer from the Wii U version:

Earlier today, PQube added Nippon Marathon to the Switch eShop. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Firewatch is out now as a digital download on the Switch eShop. Get a look at some footage in the video below.

It’s been announced that the third-person shooter Killallzombies is coming to Switch. As a digital download, it’ll be out on the eShop next month.

Here’s some additional information and a trailer:

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