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Switch eShop

GREE is known for its work in the mobile space and the many titles it has released on smart devices. But today, the company announced that it intends to release games on consoles. One such title is Fishing Star. It’s planned for release this year, and it sounds like it’ll be launching worldwide.

GREE came out with Fishing Star VR not too long ago, which we assume the Switch version is based on. Described as a casual fishing game, it allows players to visit a few different areas and compete with others through online play. It comes with a variety of fishing rods and bait, as well as over 100 kinds of fish.


Earlier today, Forever Entertainment kept up with its string of Switch titles by publishing Frederic 2: Evil Strikes Back on the eShop. Have a look at some footage below.


Hellmut: The Badass from Hell is coming to Switch, publisher Grindstone and developer Volcanicc announced today. The roguelike dungeon crawler is hitting Switch subsequently following its Q1 2018 launch on PC.

The main hook of Hellmut is transformations. Different transformations can be unlocked in the game, allowing players to control monstrosities as the Rat King, the mighty spell-caster Orc Fairy, and more, each countering different enemies with own play style.

We have more details on Hellmut below, along with a new trailer.

Impact Gameworks readied a new trailer for its upcoming Switch dungeon crawler Tangledeep. You can watch the video below.

A bunch of titles made it to the Switch eShop today, including the well-regarded Night in the Woods. See some extensive gameplay below.

New footage has arrived showcasing Mercenaries Saga Chronicles on Switch. Take a look at a half hour of gameplay below.

MixedBag and Adventure Productions have announced two new point and click adventure games for Switch. The Wardrobe and Detective Gallo are both on the way. These two games will feature use of the touch screen on Switch.

The Wardrobe and Detective Gallo will be released later this year. We’ve included more information and trailers for both titles below.

Night in the Woods publisher Finji has passed along a few extra tidbits about the game on Switch. As previously mentioned, it’s out now in both North America and Europe.

Since fans have been asking, Finji has confirmed that Night in the Woods runs at a 1080p resolution when docked. In portable mode, it’s 720p. The game also runs at 60 frames per second.

Night in the Woods doesn’t make use of touch or motion controls. However, rumble is enabled and can be used with all standard configurations of the Joy-Con controllers.

Several minutes of footage has emerged for The Darkside Detective on Switch. Have a look at the gameplay in the video below.

Wired Productions and LKA today announced The Town of Light: Deluxe Edition. This will be released physically and digitally on Switch.

Here’s some additional information and a trailer:

The Town of Light is an evocative and historically inspired exploration of mental health and its treatment in the mid-20th century. Played through the fictional eyes of Renée, a 16-year-old girl who suffers from symptoms of mental illness, players must search for answers to the many questions of her past, while exploring and uncovering the place where she spent most of her youth. What happens next is a dark and emotional journey where the lines of interactive entertainment, storytelling and reality frequently tend to blur.

The Deluxe Edition builds on The Town of Light’s 2017 console release with a collection of documentary content, allowing inquisitive players to learn about the hospital at Volterra and the lives of its patients, for the first time within the game’s release.

The Town of Light: Deluxe Edition will launch on Switch this spring.

Source: Wired Productions PR

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