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Switch eShop

Arcade Archives Double Dragon was pushed back from its original planned release on Switch last month, but was added to the eShop earlier today. You can check out some footage in the video below.

Another new patch for Enter the Gungeon has gone live on Switch. If you’ve purchased the game, you should be able to access version 1.0.2.

A number of bugs as well as one serious crash has been addressed with the latest update. Find the full patch notes below.

FDG Entertainment shared the latest screenshots from Monster Boy today. The images show the game’s updated graphics, which now feature hand-drawn animations for all transformations, which adds quite a bit of new detail. If you compare them to the screenshots released at Gamescom last year, you’ll definitely notice a difference.

Below are the new images:

The team is now involved with much “crunching” as the development comes closer to completion. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until launch.

Thanks to HerosShade for the tip.


Oh…Sir!! The Insult Simulator and Oh…Sir! The Hollywood Roast are both now available on the Switch eShop. We have launch trailers for both titles below.

Vesta footage

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments

FinalBoss Games’ action/puzzle title Vesta will be making it to Switch tomorrow. Watch some gameplay in the video below.

Shu footage

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments

On January 23, Shu will be published on Switch as a digital download. Get a look at some footage in the video below.

High Horse Entertainment has officially announced that Disc Jam is hitting Switch on February 8. It’ll have some new features, too.

On Switch, Disc Jam will offer cross-platform play with the PC version. Local wireless with up to three other nearby systems is also supported.

The Switch release will also be accompanied by an update for other platforms comprised of new features and content, which should be included on Nintendo’s console. Find all of the relevant information and a Switch teaser below.

Space Dave! is coming to Switch next week, Choice Provisions announced today. A release is planned for January 25 via the eShop.

You can find more information about the spiritual successor to Woah Dave!, which previously hit Wii U and 3DS, below. We’ve also included the most recent trailer.

With the eShop updating today, it gives us a look at Hamster’s next releases on Switch. The company is preparing two more classics for January 25.

First up, the NeoGeo game World of Heroes 2 will be available. Here’s a brief overview:

World Heroes 2 is a fighting game released by SNK in 1993. Players are able to take part in epic battles between 14 historic figures such as Hanzo Hattori and Jeanne. Players can enjoy numerous battle strategies via the simple but deep game system featuring mechanics such as “Throw Back” and “Projectile Bounce Back”.

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Tales of the Tiny Planet – €19.99

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