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Switch eShop

Next week’s NeoGeo game has been confirmed through a listing on the Japanese Switch eShop. On July 20, Hamster will publish Samurai Shodown.

Samurai Shodown is an SNK fighter originally released in 1993. The game has come to a number of platforms since then, including the original Virtual Console on Wii.

Samurai Showown will cost $7.99 / €6.99 / £6.29.

Source: Switch eShop

It’s officially Thursday in Japan, so the new Niconico app for Switch has now been made available as a free download on the eShop. A few minutes of footage is below. The app takes up 32MB of space.

Fire Pro Wrestling World could be a possibility for Switch. When asked about other potential platforms for the upcoming project, Switch was something director Tomoyuki Matsumoto specifically brought out. “Speaking for me personally, I would love to put the game on Switch,” he said.

The Fire Pro Wrestling is a classic series dating all the way back to the PC Engine and Super Famicom days. This new game has online play, a ton of customization, various modes, and more.


Trine developer Frozenbyte shared a new video for its upcoming Switch game Nine Parchments today. Below, you can get a closer look at one of the characters: the Mechanical Owl.


Vblank Entertainment has gone live with the full reveal trailer for Shakedown: Hawaii, a spiritual successor to Retro City Rampage. Watch it below.

Rocket Fist was previously listed for a July 13 release on the European Switch eShop. The same listing has since been updated, and no longer carries a release date. If a new date is made known, we’ll let you know.


Team17 has prepared a couple of new trailers for The Escapists 2. Both can be watched below, but note that the August 22 release date does not apply to Switch. That version is coming a bit later.

2nd Studio has been looking to fund its strategic brawler KnightOut on Fig. With over two weeks left in the campaign, the $15,000 goal has already been surpassed. The team is now turning its attention to stretch goals, including online multiplayer, an extended soundtrack, and “Death Match”.

KnightOut should be out on Switch later this year. A video and additional details about the project can be found below.

KnightOut will get you on the edge of the couch as you battle your best friend. How will you bring your soon to be ex friend to his knees? Use your strategic overview as you build your castle which defines half of the battlefield, a good defense is all you need, or master the sword and take him out in close combat. Only one can be jumping in the couch spilling his beverage in celebration. Will it be you?

Don’t got any friends? Don’t worry KnightOut is for everybody also the lone wolf. In arcade mode you defend your castle against waves of enemies alone or with your friend. Rise to the top of the leaderboards if you can master this mode.


Nintendo World Report has shared some new direct-feed footage of Shakedown: Hawaii based on the PC build. View the gameplay below.

Kamiko’s sales have surpassed 110,000 units, according to Circle Entertainment co-founder and CEO Chris Chau.

48 percent of the Switch game’s sales were from America. Europe and Australia is next at 27 percent, followed by Japan at 25 percent. Kamiko has been on sale for roughly three months in Japan and 2.5 months elsewhere. While the US is the biggest market so far, “the Eastern market still has a lot of users we can’t ignore.”

Chau told Nintendo Life:

“We are usually thinking about why some local titles perform better than Western titles in Japan, and we think most of the reasoning comes back to game pricing, localization and local PR. Of course it’s case by case, but regardless I think the Eastern market deserves attention from developers. Also we know many Chinese gamers may purchase a Switch from Hong Kong, so we’ve suggested to the developers that they should consider a Chinese language pack.”

Skipmore, who developed the game, is now working on Picontier. It’s targeted for release this year.


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