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Switch eShop

A few new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

All of Nintendo’s digital shops will be down for several hours of maintenance at the start of April. This includes the Switch, Wii U, and 3DS eShops along with the Wii Shopping Channel and DSi Shop.

Nintendo’s maintenance schedule is as follows:

– 1 PM PT (April 3) – 5 PM PT (April 3)
– 4 PM ET (April 3) – 8 PM ET (April 3)
– 9 PM in the UK (April 3) – 1 AM in the UK (April 4)
– 10 PM in Europe (April 3) – 2 AM in Europe (April 4)


Switch has all sorts of different ways of playing. With Hamster’s Arcade Archives series, it looks like you can actually have a setup in which the screen is displayed vertically. This was discovered with the latest Neo Geo release, Neo Turf Masters, but it applies to the other titles as well.

The screen option admittedly doesn’t have a tremendous amount of use here. In the future though, it’ll be interesting to see if any other Switch games are made with a vertical format in mind.


This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta highlight SteamWorld Dig 2 and chat with Image & Form while taking on challenges. View the full episode below.

IGN managed to get some extensive gameplay of Snake Pass, hosted by one of the developers from Sumo. View the video below for 25 minutes of footage.

NeuroVoider isn’t out on Switch just yet, but it is coming at some point in the near future. Take a look at 25 minutes of gameplay below.

Little Inferno’s multiplayer patch can now be downloaded on Switch. For the first time, you and a friend can experience the game together.

Tomorrow Corporation passed along the news on Twitter:


Popular YouTuber JonTron has been in the news lately due to some controversial comments he made in recent weeks. Certain views he expressed on particularly sensitive topics resulted in backlash from fans and others.

Originally, Playtonic worked with JonTron to have his voice featured in the game for one of the characters. The studio now says though that the situation has prompted his removal in full.

Playtonic said in a statement:

“We recently became aware of comments made by voice artist JonTron after development on Yooka-Laylee had been completed. JonTron is a talented video presenter who we were initially, two years ago, happy to include as a voice contributor in our game. However, in light of his recent personal viewpoints we have made the decision to remove JonTron’s inclusion in the game via a forthcoming content update. We would like to make absolutely clear that we do not endorse or support JonTron’s personal viewpoints and that, as an external fan contributor, he does not represent Playtonic in any capacity. Playtonic is a studio that celebrates diversity in all forms and strives to make games that everyone can enjoy. As such, we deeply regret any implied association that could make players feel anything but 100% comfortable in our game worlds, or distract from the incredible goodwill and love shown by our fans and Kickstarter backers.”


Super Arcade Football is a soccer game with a retro vibe created by OutOfTheBit. It is is available on Steam Early Access, but today the developers of the game have confirmed, through the official Twitter account, that they are interested in porting Super Arcade Football to Switch.

This is not an official confirmation of Super Arcade Football’s release on the new platform, but it’s nice to hear that OutOFTheBit is considering it.


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