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Switch eShop

Bit.Trip Runner

The Bit.Trip series started out way back in 2009 on WiiWare. Bit.Trip Beat was the first game, and was followed by an additional five titles that experimented with different genres. The original series is now just a few weeks away from releasing on Switch.

According to eShop listings, all six Bit.Trip games are launching for Switch in December. Bit.Trip Beat, Core, Void, Runner, Fate, and Flux will be distributed at the same time.

Here’s an overview of each game, along with a trailer originally shared for Wii:

Nintendo eShop

If you’ve been having trouble with the Switch eShop today, you can rest easy knowing that you’re not alone. For whatever reason, the store isn’t operating normally. You may be unable to connect to the eShop, navigate different pages, or even make purchases.

We happened to notice this a few hours ago, though there was no word from Nintendo itself. Now, however, the company’s maintenance page has updated, stating that it is “experiencing difficulties with our network services.”

Nintendo doesn’t provide any sort of estimate as to when the situation will be fully resolved. Hopefully it’ll all be taken care of soon enough.


Space Crew

There’s a new update for the strategic simulation game Space Crew. Today, Curve Digital and Runner Duck issued version 1.1.

After installing the patch, players can access new difficulty options. The game also now has an increased crew size and unlimited slow time.

Space Crew is available now for Switch via the eShop.


The shoot ’em up game Sky Mercenaries Redux is debuting on Switch today. Take a look at some gameplay footage in the video below.

Sky Mercenaries Redux is available for Switch via the eShop. We have more information and a trailer here.

Picross S5

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues
Tracks: Toybox Edition

Knights n' Guns

Baltoro Games has provided an update on Knights n’ Guns, its arcade-pang-inspired shooter. The title is now confirmed to be launching in Q1 2021.

New details and screenshots were also passed along today. We have the full set below.

Maid of Sker

Maid of Sker, a stealth survival horror game, makes its way to Switch today. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Maid of Sker is available for Switch via the eShop.

Empire of Sin

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Empire of Sin – $39.99
Root Double: Before Crime After Days Xtend Edition – $45.99


A new version 3.3 update has gone live for the Switch version of Roki. Aside from bug fixes, a new “Restart Chapter” feature has been implemented.

The full patch notes are as follows:

Neon Abyss

With a new update today, Neon Abyss is now at version 1.2. It includes a bunch of new content, features, improvements, and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

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