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Wii U eShop

Ronimo Games released the nineteenth “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is 1 Helga, 4 Master Chefs, 4 Berserkers and 1 Sand Witch versus 1 Siege Troll, 2 Nagas, 2 Axethrowers, 2 Barrelriders and 1 Corpse Explode spell. Check it out below.

Mega Man Zero 2 hit the North American Wii U Virtual Console this past Thursday as part of “Mega May”. View some footage from the game below.

1001 Spikes finally received off-TV play support on Wii U through an update that came out a few days ago. While the feature is a great addition, the patch has unfortunately resulted in a few major issues.

The biggest problem we’re hearing about is related to controls. After applying the update, right on the d-pad crouches and pressing the left stick pauses the game instead of start. Basically, there are some notable control mapping issues. There are also other problems like being unable to access the options settings.

It took Nicalis a very long time to patch in off-TV play for 1001 Spikes. I just hope that it won’t take as long for these new bugs to be addressed!


Last week, Capcom brought Mega Man Zero 4 to the Wii U Virtual Console. View some footage from the classic game below.

Additional footage has come in showing Vector Assault, one of this week’s North American Wii U eShop releases. Check it out in the video below.

Several new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a peak at the gallery below.

We have a couple of file sizes for Wii U eShop games that hit the North American Wii U eShop this week. Vector Assault requires 176 MB of space, and weighs in at 148 MB when actually installed. Shapes of Gray is 137.5 MB to download, and is 120 MB once installed.

Old Moon Games has uploaded a 22-minute gameplay video for Ghost Song. Check it out below.

Update: We have a winner! Congratulations to gabopr75. We’ll be sending your code shortly!

Our latest giveaway is Nihilumbra, a new Wii U eShop title that just came out this past week. To enter, simply leave a comment below telling us about your favorite moody game.

Please note that this giveaway is only open to those with North American Wii U systems. Also, we only have one code, so be sure to come up with the best response you have! We’ll announce a winner on Thursday.

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Ronimo Games released the eighteenth “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is 1 Genie, 2 Nagas, 4 Sand Witches, Polymorph, Freyja’s Blessing and Ooga Booga spells versus 3 Desert Stalkers, 3 Berserkers, 3 Spearthrowers, 1 Electric Elder and 1 Fakir. Check it out below.

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