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Nintendo and Monolith Soft have prepared a patch for Xenoblade Chronicles X in Japan. As of today, version 1.0.1 is available for download.

The update does a few things, although none of them are major. Here’s a brief summary:

– Adjusted equipment / doll equipment sorting so its easier to use
– Calculation for the union grams have been adjusted so that it is not effected by the amount of players in a union.
– Other fixes & adjustments

Xenoblade Chronicles X came to Japan on April 29. The North American and European launch is scheduled for December.

Source, Via

We now have footage showing the amiibo costumes for Olimar, Dr. Mario, Bowser Jr. in Yoshi’s Woolly World. Get a look at each in the video below.

This week’s Famitsu scans are now available. Highlighted games include Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, Devil’s Third, Dragon Quest VIII, Nobunaga’s Ambition 2, Pokken Tournament, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2. Scans of each title can be found in the gallery below.

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Now that the Olimar is starting to release in Europe, we can get a look at the related racing suit ni Mario Kart 8. Check out some footage below.

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find it in full below.


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The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

New 3DS LL – 21,069
PS4 – 15,779
Vita – 13,632
Wii U – 10,780
New 3DS – 5,551
PS3 – 2,979
3DS – 1,184
3DS LL – 899
Vita TV – 613
Xbox One – 149

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

New 3DS LL – 19,475
PS4 – 18,171
Vita – 14,067
Wii U – 12,781
New 3DS – 5,506
PS3 – 3,102
3DS – 1,394
3DS LL – 861
Vita TV – 741
Xbox One – 235

And here are the software charts:

1. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch Busters – 693,538 / NEW
2. [3DS] The Great Ace Attorney – 135,690 / NEW
3. [PSV] Taiko No Tatsujin V Version – 46,101 / NEW
4. [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates – 29,682 / 345,253
5. [WIU] Splatoon – 26,136 / 408,312
6. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best Plus – 24,650 / 325,844
7. [3DS] Cho Tousouchuu Atsumare Saikyou no Tousousya Tachi – 13,571 / NEW
8. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 10,898 / 243,428
9. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 6,708 / 1,060,442
10. [3DS] Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden – 4,642 / 110,087
11. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 4,608 / 2,657,661
12. [PSV] Persona 4: Dancing All Night – 4,449 / 111,513
13. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 4,232 / 3,996,960
14. [3DS] Girls Mode 3 – 2,891 / 164,436
15. [PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – 2,847 / 128,414
16. [PS4] Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition – 2,772 / 50,017
17. [3DS] Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale – 2,757 / 63,524
18. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for 3DS – 2,746 / 2,256,326
19. [WIU] Super Smash Bros. for Wii U – 2,218 / 653,783
20. [3DS] Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition – 1,901 / 274,678


New footage of Devil’s Third has come online today. Check out a bunch of videos from the game below.

Famitsu provides an update on Devil’s Third this week. Along with the magazine’s report, there’s also an interview with creator Tomonobu Itagaki.

First, here’s what Itagaki had to say about multiplayer:

“There are things like diplomacy chat that only clan leaders can use, so you can have conferences with other clans. I’m a military enthusiast so there are also many political elements in the game.”

Famitsu then asks about being able to enjoy just the multiplayer:

“Of course. You can [enjoy the multiplayer] even without playing the single-player game. Even so, the single-player is packed with Itagaki-like things, so I’d like you to try it. In order to make both the multiplayer side of the game and the single player side of the game enjoyable, each of them required an amount of quantity, quality and scope. There are these two parts of Devil’s Third. That’s why it took time [to make the game].”

European previews for Devil’s Third will likely be posted in bulk tomorrow, but one report has come online early. Read up on some story and gameplay details from Greek site Nintendo NeXt below.


– Begins in an alternative present after the overthrow of socialism in the Soviet Union
– A group in favor of soldiers have defected from the new Russia plotting their revenge against the western world which was responsible for the upheavals in their country
– The name of this organization is called the “School of Democracy”
– The organization starts the attack in various parts of the world, causing serious damage in the process
– Central character is codenamed Ivan
– The other companions consisted of the top special forces of the Soviet Army
– Their code name are Big Mouse, Jane Doe, C4, Ludmilla, Grudla Saha
– This group is led by a shadowy figure who organized and trained the particular group using the ancient martial arts of his ancestors
– After many missions, the team has forgotten their original purpose which was to restore the former Soviet Union
– The latter mission they initiated the extermination of “dissidents” in a town in Latin America
– The Big Mouse and his team used chemical weapons to exterminate an entire city including the civilian population
– For Ivan, it was the straw that broke the camel back, which unleashed an internal conflict
– Ivan was then classified a traitor and ordered to be executed on the spot
– Ivan escapes with the intervention of UN forces which resulted with his arrest
– Ivan was imprisoned at Guantanamo high security facility and sentenced to 850 years in prison for crimes against humanity
– However, he came to an agreement and works for the US government as a liaison for the capture and destruction of his former group
– The “School of Democracy” set in motion their ultimate plan
– They aim for the destruction of all the satellites that were orbiting the planet, creating the so-called Kessler Effect
– They aim to destroy the communication network and weapons systems which the army of the allies of the western world were relying on


– Shooting and action
– There are situations where a gun is not helpful when facing an enemy close to you, so melee combat is necessary
– Ivan handles weapons like an iron beam, Japanese swords and other sharp objects
– Automatic rifles, pistols, rocket lauchers, are weapons
– Each has a different weight and utility in battle
– Ivan is relatively fast, but every time you carry a big gun it changes his behavior in battle
– Ex: when he holds a rocket, his evasion and jumping ability is lessened
– The opposite happens when you are in possession of light weapons
– Switch from third to first-person battles with the press of a button
– Online multiplayer not playable yet
– Once again, made with Unreal Engine 3
– Rough framerate


A few weeks ago, the status of Devil’s Third in North America was entirely unclear. Nintendo of Europe and Japan had both announced a late August release date for the game, but there hadn’t been a peep about what was happening in North America.

Rumors eventually surfaced that Nintendo had dropped Devil’s Third in North America, though another publisher could step in. That was followed up by a recent report from Siliconera (a site with a reliable track record) indicating that a separate company had indeed picked up the title, and there were strong signs that the mystery publisher was none other than XSEED – a partner Nintendo had worked with for the launches of The Last Story and Pandora’s Tower in the states.

We mentioned that Siliconera had heard about Nintendo not handling Devil’s Third in North America. This is something that Nintendo Enthusiast previously reported on previously as well, in which they wrote:

At E3, we spoke with a very high level figure in Nintendo of America about Devil’s Third, who will remain anonymous. Their quote on the matter? “We aren’t handling that game”. At first, I didn’t know exactly what that meant, but the more I thought about it, the more damning it felt. In simple terms, it appears that Nintendo of America will NOT be publishing the game here.

Siliconera and Nintendo Enthusiast weren’t the only outlets that had received similar information. We’re also aware of a writer from a well-known gaming website who was also under the same impression regarding the fate of Devil’s Third in North America.

Well before the drama surrounding the game escalated, one person who obtained knowledge about the situation – who wishes to remain anonymous – reached out to a top developer at Nintendo. This developer works with Nintendo of America on a daily basis, and said that the company wouldn’t be publishing Devil’s Third in North America. He compared it to a potential Disaster: Day of Crisis situation. That Wii game did release in Europe and Japan, but never made its way to North America.

It did truly seem as though Nintendo wouldn’t be in charge of Devil’s Third in North America, and there were plenty of signs that pointed in this direction. It was strange, then, that Nintendo responded to the speculation – something the company rarely does – this past weekend and stated that they are “excited to bring the game to Wii U and will have more to share soon.” So what happened?

We’ve heard that concerns about the quality of Devil’s Third caused Nintendo to initially drop the game in North America. While it was initially thought that the title had moved to XSEED, things supposedly changed following backlash from gamers. Nintendo had been receiving a great deal of flack when rumors about the company not distributing Devil’s Third in North American began to pick up steam. Because of what transpired, Nintendo is now looking into publishing and backing Devil’s Third once again.

I can’t say that I know for certain what is happening inside Nintendo. However, all of the information that’s out there – as well as what I’ve heard personally – suggests that the original plan was to have XSEED handle Devil’s Third in North America. In the end, perhaps it doesn’t matter as we now have absolute confirmation that Devil’s Third will be launching in all major territories.

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