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Giant Bomb has uploaded another half hour of footage from Dex. View it in the video below.

TACS Games has prepared a new trailer for Quadcopter Pilot Challenge. We’ve posted it below.

Today, Nintendo of Europe uploaded another two videos to promote Puzzle & Dragons Z. Both can be found below.

Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few digital game highlights from April 2015. You can watch it below.

Capcom recently held a play session for The Great Ace Attorney, which featured 45 minutes of footage from the game. Watch the video below.

It’s probably going to be one of those days when a ton of footage comes in for Splatoon. We’ll be posting all videos here throughout the next several hours.


Update 2: Bumped to the top. Added a second boss video after the break.

Update: And another video!

Another Splatoon video has come in showing the Octostomp boss fight in Hero Mode. View it below.


Nintendo has uploaded the North American commercial for Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition. Check it out below.

Update: Another video!

The folks over at GameXplain have posted Splatoon’s story mode intro/opening cut-scene. That can be found below. Additionally, you can get a look at the splash screen when loading from the Wii U menu above.



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