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Update: Kerploosh! takes up roughly 200 blocks on an SD card.

Nintendo’s latest 3DS downloadable game, Kersploosh! will cost just $3 at launch. System owners can purchase the title starting on Thursday.

There’s a pretty good reason that Kersploosh! costs $3: it’s a bit light on content. Most players will probably be able to complete everything the game has to offer in a single play session.


“Whaling – that is, shooting whales with harpoons and leaving them to struggle for an hour or more before they die or are hacked apart while they are still alive – may seem like something out of the history books, but this bloody industry still goes on today in the face of international condemnation, and it’s disgraceful for any game to glorify it.”

“PETA encourages video game companies to create games that celebrate animals – not games that promote hurting and killing them.

– PETA Statement

PETA is no stranger to criticizing video games– they’ve said themselves that they intentionally blow things out of proportion in order to draw attention to their legitimate cause– and today we get to hear about their opinions on Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, specifically the game’s whaling mechanic.

Whether the criticism is legitimate or not isn’t really up for debate– even PETA would likely admit (behind closed doors, of course) that going after artistic mediums isn’t always wholesome– but the question of whether the game is “glorifying” the action is still completely unknown. Plenty of games have violence, but not all of them glorify it, and we’ll have to wait and see whether this particular mechanic is made out to be a moral positive or simply a fact of life, as it was back then.

Via VideoGamer

Capcom has announced that it will be releasing Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D on the North American 3DS eShop later this week. The game will be available digitally on March 7 for $19.99.

A European release for the eShop hasn’t been confirmed, though is likely planned for the near future.


If you want to go digital with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Capcom will have you covered. The company has reconfirmed that Wii U and 3DS owners will be able to download the game at launch.

On Wii U, Ultimate is a 6.07GB download. The digital 3DS version is 1.74GB.

Source 1, Source 2

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition was the IP’s first foray on consoles. Microsoft currently has exclusive rights to the franchise, meaning it can’t land on other dedicated gaming devices just yet.

Eventually, Microsoft’s deal with Mojang will expire, and Minecraft could end up on additional platforms. But, unfortunately, Jens Bergensten says that a Wii U version is “very unlikely.”

According to Bergensten:

“Microsoft has an exclusivity deal for consoles. When it runs out we’ll consider Minecraft for PlayStation, but Wii U is very unlikely.”

Source, Via

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