Once again, this information comes from the latest Iwata Asks. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Shigesato Itoi.
Miyamoto: But Iwata-san also wants to include 3D video in the future! (laughs)
Iwata: I think it will be fun if we’re able to include video recording capabilities with future updates.
Itoi: I have no idea, but when you take 3D photos and videos, is there some kind of capacity limit?
Iwata: An SD card goes in this slot.
Itoi: Oh, an SD card! Like two gigabytes?
Iwata: It comes with a 2-gigabyte card, but you can, for example, use a 32-gigabyte one as well.
Itoi: Oh, okay, I see. So you seriously can take as many as you want.
Iwata: Yes. Long videos, lots of photos, they’ll fit.
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??2010-087531 ???????????????????????
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??2010-091087 ??????
??2010-082522 ?????????
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Koei Temco
??2010-083171 ?????????????????
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??2010-088794 ???????
??2010-090437 ???????????
Game Arts
??2010-083274 ????????????????????
??2010-089190 ??????????????????????????????????????????
This information comes from Yoshinori Ono’s Twitter account…
Famitsu’s preview didn’t seem to specifically mention worldwide online matches, but it would have been odd if the feature was not supported. At least we have a confirmation now!
LittleBigPlanet 2: 9
Dead Space 2: 9
Infinity Blade: 8
Nail’d: 5
Gray Matter: 5
Echochrome 2: 8
Under Siege: 7
Ni no Kuni: 8
999: Nine hours, Nine persons, Nine doors: 6
Eat Them: 5
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective: 8
lilt line: 4
The 3DS’s cameras allow the portable to take 3D photos, though their functionality could be enhanced in the future. In an Iwata Asks interview, Shigeru Miyamoto commented that Iwata is looking into 3D video recording for the handheld. Following that remark, Iwata noted that this would need to be done through a system update. Nothing is confirmed just yet, but I’d say this is a pretty good sign.
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!
Sora’s journey in KINGDOM HEARTS II has drawn to a close, now a new tale is set to begin.
London (13 January 2011) – Square Enix Ltd., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, announces KINGDOM HEARTS Re:coded will be available from tomorrow (14 January 2011) across all PAL territories, exclusively for the Nintendo DS system.
Jiminy Cricket is looking over the journal he used to document his first adventure with Sora when he discovers a mysterious message. He didn’t write it – so how did it get there? King Mickey is determined to find out, so he and his friends decide to digitise the journal and delve into its deepest secrets. Inside this “datascape” dwells a second Sora who is about to embark on a grand adventure of his very own.
Confirmed dates
3/11: Super Monkey Ball 3D (Sega)
3/17: Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell 3D (Ubisoft)
3/24: Dead or Alive Dimensions (Tecmo Koei)
3/24: Gundam The 3D Battle (Namco Bandai)
3/24: Rabbids Time Travel (Ubisoft)
3/31: BlazBlue Continuum Shift II (Arc System Works)
3/31: Pro Baseball Famisuta 2011 (Namco Bandai)
March timeframe
Asphalt 3D Nitro Racing (Konami)
Pro Baseball Spirits 2011 (Konami)
The Sims 3 (Electronic Arts)
Tsukurou Ponta no Gardens 3D (Electronic Arts)
Shanghai 3D Cube (Sunsoft)
Naruto Shippuuden (Takara Tomy)
Will Shooter XX (Dorasu)
Steel Diver (Nintendo)
Nikoli Puzzle (Hmaster)
Still no Zelda, but there is a new first-party title in Steel Diver. However, because Ocarina of Time 3D won’t be released in Japan until April at the earliest (based on this list), I’m beginning to wonder if there is any chance it’ll make the North American 3DS launch. We’ll find out next week.
Splinter Cell 3D will be released in Japan on March 20 for 5040 yen.
Thanks to Dannyxzero for the tip!