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Laura Kate Dale teased that a Switch exclusive game will be revealed in December, but didn’t give any details beyond that. However, it seems like we may already have a pretty good idea of what the game is going to be.

The screenshots of the game that Laura has posted bear a striking resemblance to artwork shown on the homepage for the book “Seasons of Heaven” (original French title: “Les saisons du paradis”). This book by French author Nico Augusto has been adapted into an audio book – more interestingly, however, a game adaptation of the book is also in the works; the “game” tab on the book’s website doesn’t show anything at the moment, however. The rest of the website is nonetheless worth checking out – the art shown there focuses heavily on the little boy wearing a backpack, his dog and the distinctive tower in the distance – all elements that are present in the screenshots Laura has posted. More tellingly, Augusto tweeted the following on Monday:

A not-so-subtle hint at a possible Switch game, right? Any Arts Production seems to be the developer of the game.

None of this is an official confirmation just yet, but all signs seem to be pointing at this being the Switch game that Laura Kate Dale talked about.

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Laura Kate Dale has once again delivered another report on the Switch – or rather, she’s delivered a juicy bit of info and some screenshots this time. According to her, a new Switch exclusive game (shown in these screenshots) will be revealed in December via a gameplay trailer. She doesn’t offer any details beyond that, like who the publisher or the developer of the game is. It seems unlikely that it’s Nintendo however, since they would probably save a big announcement like that for the big Switch event in January.

As always, take rumors like this with a grain of salt, even if they come from a reliable source like Laura. Either way, if this is indeed real, we should hear about it pretty soon since we’re already well into December.



A few hours ago, Tom Phillips from Eurogamer tweeted that GameCube support is planned for the Virtual Console on Switch. The site now has its full report up about the situation.

Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi’s Mansion, and Super Smash Bros. Melee are the first games Eurogamer claims Nintendo has been focusing on. The original Animal Crossing is also being looked into, with all of its NES games included. Eurogamer adds that Nintendo is considering support for the GameCube controller adapter on Wii U, though “a final decision has not yet been made.”


Star Fox

Believe it or not, LetsPlayVideoGames isn’t finished with its Nintendo rumors for the day. This time around, the site shares some information about an unconfirmed pitch from Koei Tecmo.

The Japanese company, who previously worked on Hyrule Warriors (and Legends), allegedly made a pitch for a Star Fox-themed Warriors title. Melee combat would have been the focus with some space dogfighting segments mixed in. Motion controls would have been absent, “focused on alternating missions between ground combat and a simplified space combat system designed to be simple to control and visually over the top.” It would have been comparable to Hyrule Warriors in many ways.

Nintendo is said to have turned down the pitch “due to questions regarding the future of the brand.” It never left the design stage, and it’s unknown which system it was targeted for.

Despite the Star Fox pitch not progressing, Koei Tecmo remains interested in giving another Nintendo franchise the Warriors treatment. Additionally, Nintendo is apparently open to that as well.


FromSoftware is one of many developers named as a partner for Switch. LetsPlayVideoGames may now give us an idea about what the studio is planning.

One of the site’s sources claims that Dark Souls III is running on Switch “with a level of performance they are happy with.” A small team has been working on the port for several months.

FromSoftware has been taking a wait-and-see approach with potential ports. The company wanted to see how Dark Souls III performed sales-wise before moving forward. However, if FromSoftware pursues ports, Switch (and other consoles) would receive a re-release of all three Dark Souls titles with DLC bundled in.


LetsPlayVideoGames is back with a new report regarding Switch. The site claims to have further information about the Dock, of which there has been some uncertainty.

Apparently, the Dock does in fact increase the performance of the portable device. However, this isn’t due to additional processing power in the Dock.

As LetsPlayVideoGames explains:

“When the system is connected to the dock by USB-C, the system’s components will run at a higher clock speed to facilitate 1080p resolutions on the TV. Both video and power will be transferred over USB-C when docked. Plugging the system into the dock will also activate a small additional fan to help with cooling when run at that higher clock speed. This fan is in the rear of the dock, and there is a gap in the back of the dock to allow the system’s inbuilt fans to vent when docked.”


Pokemon GO

Several Starbucks employees have come forward with an apparent internal message pertaining to Pokemon GO. It points to something potentially huge happening with the mobile game later this week.

Assuming the message is legitimate – which seems very likely at this point – Pokemon GO is receiving some sort of update on Thursday. It states that Niantic’s title “is about to expand with new Pokemon” – plus a new Starbucks beverage to celebrate.

Ubisoft recently held a party in Paris to celebrate the company’s 30th anniversary, and today they released a video that shows some impressions from that event. Interestingly, among the props on display were little figurines of Mario, Luigi and Toad as Ubisoft’s Rabbid characters. Given the recent rumors of a Mario & Rabbids crossover RPG , this could be more than just a coincidence. Naturally, it’s not an official conformation that that game is real, but it is certainly going to fuel further speculations. One way or another, we should know for sure at the Switch event in January.


Since 2011, Activision has shipped new Skylanders games on an annual basis. But if a new report from Liam Robertson is spot on, the series may not be receiving a new entry next year – or in the near future for that matter.

Robertson (who accurately leaked information about Skylanders SuperChargers in 2015) claims that development on Skylanders 2017 ended, in large part due to a trend in declining game sales and interest for the franchise. Viewership for the new Skylanders Academy show on Netflix is apparently not up to snuff, nor are merchandise sales. Activision apparently has no new Skylanders game in the works currently. Additionally, primary developer Toys for Bob is waiting to hear from Activision about its future.

Here’s the full report from Robertson:

Rumor has it that Pokemon GO will be receiving a major update next month. Based on analysis of the game’s code done by people associated with web scanner PokeVS, 100 new normal and Legendary Pokemon will be added. That’s in addition to the possibility of player-versus-player battles, raising the Pokemon you catch similar to Tamagotchi pets, and trading.

GamesBeat, who reports on today’s story, says it’s unclear if Pokemon GO’s update will be dropped entirely at once over time. However, PokeVS’ before-and-after comparisons of the code indicated where the updates are expected to be implemented. Niantic told GamesBeat that the “Gen 2” is planned as an update, but didn’t share anything further.

Continue on below for the lineup of 100 Pokemon said to be coming to Pokemon GO.

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