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Bandai Namco

Bandai Namco published the latest Japanese commercial for My Hero: One’s Justice. You can watch it below.

Super Baby Vegeta was recently announced as a new DLC character in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Today, Bandai Namco confirmed that the character will be out this summer as part of Extra Pack 3.

Here’s an introduction to Super Baby Vegeta:

Dragon Ball FighterZ

The new Switch version of Dragon Ball FighterZ was given a September 27 release date in Japan earlier this week. In the west, Bandai Namco just confirmed that the game is launching on September 28. That date has been confirmed for both North America and Europe.

Those who pick up Dragon Ball FighterZ on Switch will be able to purchase all the extra characters already released on other platforms from day one. By pre-ordering the game, you’ll be given two gifts:

Nintendo World Report has put together a video comparing Dragon Ball FighterZ on Switch and the PlayStation 4. View it below.

Dragon Ball FighterZ might be coming to Switch soon, but that isn’t stopping Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 from receiving new content. It’s been announced that this Summer, Dragon Ball GT villain Super Baby 2 will be available as DLC.

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Dragon Ball FighterZ

Dragon Ball FighterZ was officially confirmed for Nintendo Switch at E3 with a release date of “2018”. Today, a concrete release date has been announced for Japan – September 27. 

The Switch version will come with a couple of new features. Among those is the simplified “Exteme Type” control type, which makes it easier to pull off certain moves by using the L + R buttons. For example, using L + R + the heavy attack button will unleash a meteor attack. The game also supports playing with one Joy-Con, so you can easily play multiplayer matches on one Switch. Also, SSGSS Son-Goku and Vegeta will be unlockable earlier.

In Japan, the game will also come with a download code for the SNES game Dragon Ball Z: Super Butouden as well as a Super Rare card for the Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game. 

This bonus stuff likely won’t be part of the Western release, but the release date of September 27 seems possible for outside Japan as well. We will keep you updated.

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For the launch of Little Nightmares on Switch, Bandai Namco produced a special live action trailer of sorts. The company has since posted a video – which we have below – showing how it was filmed.

Taiko Drum Master: Nintendo Switch Version!

Bandai Namco provided the latest information on Taiko Drum Master: Nintendo Switch Version! today. Find some details and screenshots for the party games below, courtesy of Gematsu.

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