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Bandai Namco

Bandai Namco released Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life in Japan back in 2013. Last year, Nintendo brought the game over to North America and Europe as “Disney Magical World”.

Now we’re hearing that a sequel is in development. This week’s Famitsu reveals the existence of Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life 2 (which should be Disney Magical World 2 if/when it comes over), and it’s heading to 3DS.

Bandai Namco will be sharing more details at an event scheduled for July 6. Some parts of this will be broadcasted on the Bandai Channel. It’s not live yet, but the official website will be located here.

A release date and price for Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life 2 have not yet been decided.

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden was rated in Australia a few days ago. From that listing, it’s been pretty much assumed that Bandai Namco has plans to localize the 3DS fighter.

If the Australian classification wasn’t enough, a retailer in Spain has apparently started advertising the game. Media Markt has put up a promo poster, which lists an October 30 release date. The included date is likely a placeholder, but the fact that it’s being advertised is certainly encouraging. With any luck, we’ll be getting an official announcement soon!


Update: Here’s another video:

Another 14 minutes of Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden footage has found its way to YouTube. Check out the latest video below.

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden is out now in Japan. As a result, footage is starting to find its way onto YouTube. View the intro for Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden below, along with some gameplay.

If you’d like to get another look at Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden in motion, take a look at the video below. It showcases a bit of additional footage from the title’s recent demo.

Good news for Dragon Ball fans: Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden, the latest DBZ game on Nintendo 3DS, has been rated by the Australian Classification Board and received a PG rating. This all but confirms a release of the game in PAL regions. It’s not an official announcement just yet, but thankfully E3 is right around the corner where Bandai Namco might do just that.

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Bandai Namco released a second official trailer for Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden. We’ve attached it below.

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