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Bandai Namco

Despite having launched just a few weeks ago, Amazon is already holding a sale on Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+. The game is available for $29.99 – $10 off the normal asking price. If interested, you can check out Amazon’s product page here.

Bandai Namco has uploaded a bunch of clips from Kuroko’s Basketball: Ties to the Future. We’ve attached one above, though you can find the rest on the company’s YouTube channel here.

There are seriously a ton of clips. Brace yourself!

Thanks to the official website, we have several character details for Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden. Read on below for some information about Goku and other characters in the game.


– Moves include x20 Kaio-ken Kamehameha and the Spirit Bomb
– Overall balanced character with nice reach with his attacks
– His speed helps him pull off combos in mid-air with ease


– Special attacks include his Final Flash and Galick Gun
– Uses speed and tricky movements
– Various combos as well

Teen Gohan

– Has excellent reach with his powerful dash attacks
– Can also use his Masenko attack and more
– Doesn’t sound like a combo-heavy character like Goku and Vegeta
– Has some surprising and powerful mid-ranged attacks that he can use to his advantage

Trunks (Future/Super)

– Attacks include Buster Flash and Buster Cannon
– Specializes at mid-ranged attacks like Gohan
– Aso has attacks that can help instantly close the distance between him and his opponents


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