PlatinumGames – Bayonetta 2 Lighting blog
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
The PlatinumGames blog has once again been updated, this time by background artist Shohei Kameoka. Kameoka breaks down and details one of the backgrounds that will appear in game and outlines just how many layers are involved with that process, here’s an excerpt:
One of my duties for Bayonetta 2 was to take care of all the lighting, water, air, and other indefinite objects in the world environments. Out of all those I spent the most time on lighting, so I thought I’d share a little on what kind of work I did.
In Bayonetta 2, many of the environments have a water theme, so I really wanted to make water in the game look beautiful. I tried to come up with some key concepts for water and worked off of the following: transparent, shining, clean, cool, something you would want to feel, something you would want to dive into. Then I thought about how I could use those words to choose the right lighting for water.
For the full blog post including work in progress pictures of the background in question, head on ever to the site here
More: Bayonetta 2, PlatinumGames
More off-screen Bayonetta 2 footage
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
More: Bayonetta 2, PlatinumGames
Bayonetta 2 effects highlighted in new PlatinumGames blog post
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
You can find today’s blog post here.
More: Bayonetta 2, PlatinumGames
Bayonetta 2 chapter 2 footage
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 2 Comments
More: Bayonetta 2, PlatinumGames, top
Bayonetta 2 second chapter details
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
Siliconera posted a new preview for Bayonetta 2 today, revealing details about the game’s second chapter. Read on below for a summary of the report.
– Titled “A Remembrance of Time”
– Takes place in a town
– Fight with an Enrapture at the beginning of the level
– Enraptures can make other Angels go berserk
– This is indicated by an enemy turning red
– When enraged, Angels’ defense and attack are increased
– Enraptures themselves do not go berserk
– Carry two sets of weapons in Bayonetta 2
– Can change them on the fly
– Demo had the option of swords and guns like the E3 demo
– The game has Angels that look like Centaurs
– You can ride them in Bayonetta 2
– Stun a Centuar and then walk up to it for a contextual command that says “Ride”
– Bayonetta jumps on after pressing a button
– The Centaur violently tries to knock Bayonetta off, but kicks other enemies in the process
– Bayonetta finishes her ride by tossing the Centaur which kills it
– The game has hidden black portals; Nintendo won’t comment on what these are
– Demo has a hidden mission where Bayonetta had to fight three Centaurs in a small space
– End of the chapter has you fighting a huge boss that spit poison blobs at Bayonetta
– This boss also had a stomp attack that dishes out serious damage, but it can be easily dodged
– Can use a spear from a fallen Centaur during the fight and the Umbran Climax, a new move that lets Bayonetta use her Wicked Weave hair attacks when her magic gauge is full
– The final blow came from a frog-like familiar that wrapped the boss with its tongue
A closer look at the latest Famitsu Bayonetta 2 screenshots
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in Screenshots, Wii U | 0 comments
More: Bayonetta 2, Famitsu, Platinum Games
Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2 getting hardcover guides
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 2 Comments

Listings on Amazon have outed hardcover guides for both Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta 2
For Hyrule Warriors’ hardcover guide, Prima promises “High quality paper and unique cover treatments for collectibility”. The guide also features “an extensive behinds the scenes section, giving a closer look at the art behind Hyrule Warriors” as well as information on how to unlock the different characters and battle tactics.
An overview of the guide reads:
More: Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Prima
Bayonetta 2 – Cities and Waterways design blog
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
The Platinum Games blog was updated again today to talk more about the design of Bayonetta 2, this time in relation to the in-game cities and waterways and what real world places inspired them. Below is an excerpt of what lead environmental artist Hiroki Onishi had to say :
I think the most challenging thing we faced after our trip was conveying how important water was to the everyday lives of the city’s inhabitants. In Venice, there were no roads for cars to run on, because there were no cars—everything was handled by boats. There were no gates in the rivers to make sure travel was simple. Even refrigerators and laundry machines were carried to houses on small boats before being loaded up on push carts. We had to carry all our equipment on a boat to our hotel, and then drag everything along bumpy stone paths. It was a new experience for all of us, and it gave us some slight culture shock. Yet I think it was things like these that gave Venice a unique artistic quality that was interesting to express in the game. If anyone from Venice were to play the game and actually relate with our depiction of the citizen’s daily lives, I’d be honored.
Be sure to go check out the blog post, a very interesting read!
More: Bayonetta 2, Platinum Games
Amazon Japan giving out cleaning cloth with Bayonetta 2 pre-order
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 10 Comments
Those who pre-order Bayonetta 2 from Amazon Japan will receive a unique bonus. The retailer is handing out a cleaning cloth while supplies last. It’s a bit of an odd bonus, but we can’t complain too much about free stuff!