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file size

Circle Entertainment published Koi on Wii U earlier this year. In Japan, the game was added to the Switch eShop today. It’s also coming west at some point soon. Note that the game takes up 452MB on Switch.


Update: Volgarr the Viking is 144MB on Switch.

Original: New footage is in showing the upcoming version of Volgarr the Viking for the Switch. The game comes out for the Nintendo console October 5. Watch the video below:


We don’t want to make any assumptions about release dates for Switch eShop games at this point, but Earth Atlantis is very likely coming out this week. Nintendo’s North American website originally listed it for last Thursday, but that didn’t end up happening.

Earth Atlantis now has a listing on the US Switch eShop with a date of October 5. Nintendo’s UK site also lists the same date. Hopefully things stick this time around.

Finally, we have the file size for Earth Atlantis. It’s a 562MB download. 

Source: Switch eShop

Etrian Odyssey V’s file size is in. If you plan on downloading the game, be prepared to have 4,364 blocks of space ready. That amounts to 545.5MB.


The Switch eShop confirms file sizes for a trio of upcoming Switch games. We have the sizes for Oxenfree, Touhou Kobuto V, and Spleunker Party!, which are all due out this month.

Below are the results:

Oxenfree – 2.0GB
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle – 985MB
Spelunker Party! – 3.3GB

Oxenfree comes out this Friday – October 6. Touhou Kobuto V is next on October 10, followed by Spelunker Party! on October 19.

Source: Switch eShop

Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley finally has a release date on Switch. Announced today, the game arrives on the eShop later this week. Chucklefish will be handling publishing on October 5.

Nintendo quickly followed up on the news by adding a listing for Stardew Valley to the eShop in Europe. Thanks to that, we now know how much space it’ll take up. Stardew Valley requires 880MB on Switch.

We’ve also included a trailer for Stardew Valley below. It seems to be the original launch trailer but with Switch branding. We imagine some of you may have never seen it though, and it’ll get you ready for this week’s release.

Source: Switch eShop

We still have a couple of months to go (roughly) until The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim hits Switch. However, the game’s file size is already in.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will take up 14.3GB of space. That’s according to a listing on the European eShop, which was just recently updated.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim launches for Switch on November 17.

Thanks to TiHa_MRAllstar for the tip.

Source: Switch eShop

Among the various games that hit the Switch eShop yesterday was Pankapu. Get a look at some footage in the video below.

In case you’re curious, Pankapu is a 1.4GB download on Switch.


Golf Story

New Switch games are beginning to release at a rapid pace on the eShop. A number of notable titles are on the way, including Golf Story this Thursday.

Thanks to listings on the North American and European eShops, we have file sizes for several upcoming releases. We’ve rounded up some of the numbers below.

Golf Story – 893MB
Picross S – 72MB
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime – 356MB
Inversus Deluxe – 67MB
Brave Dungeon + Dark Witch Story: Combat – 841MB
Butcher – 119MB

Source: Switch eShop


Sonic Forces

A listing on Amazon Japan reveals the file size for Sonic Forces on Switch. If you plan on downloading the game, 7.042GB of space is required.

Sonic Forces launches on November 7. SEGA will be selling the game both physically and digitally.


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