Another sign pointing to XSEED localizing Forbidden Magna
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments
XSEED registered a domain for “Lord of Magna” last month. The common consensus was that the website is for the 3DS game “Forbidden Magna”, which was released in Japan last year.
Now we have another sign pointing to XSEED localizing Forbidden Magna under the name Lord of Magna. Take a look at this New Year’s tease posted on the company’s Facebook account:
The silhouette in the first panel appears to be taken from this piece of art:

That’s Charlotte from Forbidden Magna alright!
More: Forbidden Magna, Lord of Magna, XSEED Games
A new patch for Forbidden Magna addresses issues with battle system
Posted on 10 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Forbidden Magna, a strategy RPG for the 3DS released earlier this month in Japan and has not necessarily been well received by fans.
The new update will hopefully address many of the issues, mainly steaming from the battle system.
The three main features of the patch:
– Enemy Strength (allows you to choose between easy, normal, hard)
– Fast Forward (holding down R allows you to speed up events)
– Gallery (new option to revisit cut-scenes and events)
More: Forbidden Magna, Japan, Marvelous AQL, Rune Factory
Forbidden Magna producer on the game’s origins
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Wondering how Forbidden Manga came to be? Prior to Neverland’s closure, the studio was asked if they were interested in making another Rune Factory or moving on to something completely different. As we now know, the latter option was chosen.
Producer Yoshifumi Hashimoto told Siliconera the following about Forbidden Magna’s origins:
“It’s human nature that when you work on the same thing over and over, you want to branch out and do something different. We asked the Rune Factory team if they wanted to create another Rune Factory or if they wanted to branch out and create something else. They said they wanted to challenge themselves with something else and that was the beginning of Forbidden Magna.”
Forbidden Magna screenshots
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
More: Forbidden Magna, Japan, marvelous
Forbidden Magna commercial
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
More: commercial, Forbidden Magna, Japan, marvelous
Forbidden Manga details cover Spirit girl abilities
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
Another round of Forbidden Manga details are now in, which cover the Spirit girl abilities. Read on below for a summary of the latest information (courtesy of Siliconera).
– Spirit girls can learn all kinds of new skills
– Obtain more as you increase your relationship stats with them at the inn
– “Magna”: skills and special attacks that can be used in battle
– Skills consume Action Points to pull off a powerful move
– These can be changed by equipping a “Skill Chip” on the weapon
– Purchase Skill Chips at shops
– Can make them through item synthesis as well
– 2 types of chips
– Some can be equipped on all kinds of different weapons
– Another can only be used for the weapons of specific Spirit girls
– Magnas depend on the bond between the Spirit Girls and the protagonist Lux
– After taking enemies out in combat, your Tension meter will increase
– This can then be used to perform a Magna attack
– Heat Cluster, Ice Shield, Cloud Solas and Mete-All can be placed on any weapon
– Charlotte’s support skill, Beatrice’s mass arrow rain AoE skill, Diana’s powerful spear attack and Adelheid’s defense buffing ability can only be used on the weapons of certain Spirit girls