Pokemon Legends: Arceus gets new video showing 360° view of Hisui
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
The Pokemon Company and Game Freak are offering yet another look at Pokemon Legends: Arceus with a new 360° view of the Hisui region.
We’ve included the trailer below, which was published on YouTube today. Some videos on the site allow users to look all around them, and that’s exactly what this new footage allows for. Along with a quick look at the world in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, we’re also able to see the player travel by land, air, and sea.
Below is the Hisui video in full for Pokemon Legends: Arceus:
What to expect from Pokemon Legends: Arceus (and eShop credit giveaway)
Posted on 3 years ago by Luiz in Features, Giveaway, Switch | 0 comments
We’re doing a giveaway! See the YouTube description for additional information and the relevant details.
Now, about the video, we are less than two weeks away from the launch of Pokemon Legends: Arceus. The expectations for the game have been all over the place – some people excited, some people disappointed, and others trying to balance a bit of both.
It’s undeniable that the game’s proposal of a structurally different Pokemon experience is exciting. Even though the series has evolved a lot during the years, the core formula stayed the same and with the mixed reception of recent games, right now seems like the perfect moment to shake things up. You can check my full thoughts on the game and the Pokemon series as a whole in the video below.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, top
Pokemon Legends: Arceus gets official 13-minute gameplay preview
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Ahead of its launch later this month, The Pokemon Company and Game Freak have published a lengthy gameplay video for Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Fans can see what the title has to offer with 13 minutes of footage.
Here’s an overview of Pokemon Legends: Arceus with additional information:
Pokemon Legends: Arceus gets “Uncover a New Kind of Pokemon Adventure” trailer
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo sent out a new “A World of Adventure Awaits in Hisui” trailer for Pokemon Legends: Arceus earlier this week, and we now have another video titled “Uncover a New Kind of Pokemon Adventure”.
First up, here’s an overview of the game:
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Easter egg returns, today only
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Just like the original games on DS, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl feature an Easter egg that can only be seen today, January 12.
Today is Junichi Masuda’s birthday. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl celebrate this with an Easter egg in which players can see some sparkling diamond dust falling in in Snowpoint City. If you play any other day, the effect won’t be present.
Here’s a look at it in action:
Pokemon Legends: Arceus gets “A World of Adventure Awaits in Hisui” trailer
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo has produced a minute-long trailer for Pokemon Legends: Arceus that acts as a general overview of the game and what to expect. This comes ahead of its launch later in the month.
You can learn more about Pokemon Legends: Arceus with the following overview:
[Let’s Talk] Hopes for Pokemon Legends: Arceus
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk, Switch | 0 comments
It’s a bit unprecedented to see major Pokemon games release so quickly after each other, but that’s exactly where we are now. Even though Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl launched less than two months ago, we’ll be getting Pokemon Legends: Arceus at the end of January.
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl were remakes of DS games. On the other hand, Arceus is a brand new experience from the main Pokemon developer at Game Freak. Many have compared it to a Zelda: Breath of the Wild-like take on Pokemon, though we know it won’t be open world. Still, the game has shown promise and many fans are interested in seeing how the whole thing turns out.
With the launch of Pokemon Legends: Arceus only a few weeks away, we want to know how you’re feeling about the game thus far. What are your hopes and expectations? Will you be picking it up later this month? Let us know in the comments below.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, top
Pokemon Legends: Arceus gets new trailer, Japanese commercials
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo just published a brand new trailer for Pokemon Legends: Arceus, providing a six-minute overview. Additionally, a few commercials have come in as well.
For those that need a refresher on Pokemon Legends: Arceus, check out the following overview:
Game Freak reflects on the making of Pokemon Sword and Shield
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Over on its recruitment website, Game Freak posted an interesting article about the creation of Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Director Shigeru Omori and planning director Kazumasa Iwao provided some insight into how the Switch games came to be.
We’ve now translated the full piece. If you’re interested in learning more about Pokemon Sword/Shield’s development, continue on below.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword, top
Pokemon Sword and Shield hosting Max Raid Battle event with Shiny Magikarp and more
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
To celebrate the new year, Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield have announced a new Max Raid Battle event with Shiny Magikarp and more.
Magikarp will be appearing more often during the Max Raid Battle. That’s not the only Pokemon here though, as Meowth, Sudowoodo, and Darmanitan will be showing up at a higher frequency as well. Those that are lucky enough will be able to encounter a Shiny Magikarp.