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Game Freak

The Pokemon Company is about to kick off a 24-hour live stream for Pokemon Sword/Shield, which starts in one hour. As previously announced, Sonia has set up a live camera and is conducting observation research in Glimwood Tangle, a strange forest area in the Galar region.

You can watch the stream as it happens below. We’ll report back with any interesting developments that take place.

After some confusion surrounding the number of gyms in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, The Pokemon Company has issued a lengthy statement providing clarification.

It reads in full:

For its latest cover story, Game Informer was able to visit Game Freak in Japan to learn more about Pokemon Sword/Shield. Some interesting information was shared about the naming origins for the two titles as well as their Legendary Pokemon.

As for Pokemon Sword/Shield, their names came about very late in development. Game Freak decided to just look at the Legendary Pokemon they created – one was based around a sword while the other featured a shield, so they decided to go with that. Game Freak also felt there was something to the fact that “sword” and “shield” are strong words while Pokemon are cute. You’d also have to think about the power behind having a sword/shield and whether you would attack/protect.

Regarding Zamazenta and Zacian, director Shigeru Ohmori wanted to get back to naming things after colors. Zamazenta stems from magenta and Zacian has ties to cyan.


Pokemon Sword/Shield

Earlier this week, Game Informer unveiled Pokemon Sword/Shield for its November 2019 cover story. As part of that, the magazine included information about the amount of gyms. Based on comments from director Shigeru Ohmori, many interpreted his words as having confirmed 18 gyms to conquer. However, that may not actually be the case.

As a reminder, this is what Ohmori said:

Game Informer is continuing its coverage of Pokemon Sword/Shield with a new off-beat video. Below, Pokemon Sword/Shield producer Junichi Masuda and director Shigeru Ohmori answer 101 rapid-fire questions, many of which are about the upcoming Switch titles.

Unsurprisingly, Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are massive endeavours. There are tons of people involved, ranging from those at Game Freak to staffers working on the project from outsourcing, and even folks from marketing.

Just how big of a production in Pokemon Sword/Shield? Director Shigeru Ohmori estimates that there are around 1,000 people involved in total.

Update: Luminous Maze Forest is called Glimwood Tangle in English. We also added in an English stream and a message from Sonia below.

The Pokemon Company has announced that it will host a 24-hour live stream for Pokemon Sword/Shield featuring the Luminous Maze Forest. Various Pokemon will be shown, but all that’s known at present.

The stream will go live at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET / 2 PM in the UK / 3 PM in Europe on October 4. We have an embed of the broadcast below.

Game Freak has shared a new character trailer for Little Town Hero, also showcasing some more of the game’s soundtrack.

Those interested can view the footage below. 

Best Buy has upgraded its pre-order offer for the Pokemon Sword/Shield Double Pack. If you reserve the pair of games, you’ll receive a collectible coin.

You can pre-order the Pokemon Sword/Shield Double Pack here. The two titles launch for Switch on November 15.

Game Freak has shared a short, 30-second trailer for Little Town Hero, which arrives on Switch next month. View it below.

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