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The big Pokemon news of the week was the reveal of Sirfetch’d, the evolution of Farfetch’d. It’s exclusive to Pokemon Sword, but can be used in Pokemon Shield as well.

We now have a brief clip showing off Sirfetch’d in action. Give it a look below.

As previously mentioned, a new Dynamax Camera website recently opened in which fans can add Dynamax Pokemon to their pictures. There’s another unexpected element to the site since it appears to have information on codenames for Galar Pokemon and possible evolutions.

abcboy101 was one of the first users on Twitter to share the discovery. He passed along the following:

The Pokemon Company has issued an official announcement for the just-revealed Sirfetch’d. We also have a few screenshots/art giving us a closer look at the Pokemon.

Here’s the full roundup:

This past week’s Pokemon Sword/Shield tease has culminated with the reveal of a new Pokemon: Sirfetch’d. This is a Wild Duck Pokemon that can be evolved from Farfetch’d after experiencing many battles.

Here’s the official trailer:

Sirfetch’d will be exclusive to Pokemon Sword, but can be traded to Pokemon Shield.

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield has reported that new Pokemon Sword and Shield information will come on September 18th at 22:00 JST.

Specifically, they state that the news drop will pertain to the mystery “glitched” Pokemon that was teased on the official Pokemon site a few days ago. 

More details will be shared when they are made known.


The official Pokemon Twitter account and website for Pokemon Sword and Shield is teasing a new Pokemon that appears to be “glitching” on the site.

When visiting the link provided in the tweet, viewers are brought to the standard home page but with a blurred image of a Pokemon floating on screen.

After eventually making it to the creature’s details page, the Pokemon is listed as a Fighting type and has the Steadfast ability, However, the rest of the details are “glitched” so much as to not have anything else substantial shared.

More information will be shared when it is made known.

Source 1, Source 2

Nintendo is rolling out commercials for Pokemon Sword/Shield with a new “Switch My Way” advert. We have it attached below.

Pokemon Sword/Shield had its own spotlight during the latest Nintendo Direct. In the footage shown, fans noticed that an auto-save message briefly appears.

This is something that would be very much appreciated in most games, but because of the nature of Pokemon, fans have some concerns. Auto-saving could interfere with resetting for shiny Pokemon and different natures as well as certain battles/encounters.

Fortunately, Pokemon Sword/Shield still has a manual save option. It’s very much possible that auto-save is optional or is limited to certain areas.


Update (9/7): The Pokemon Sword/Shield collector’s edition guide is up on Amazon Canada. It’s also now on sale for $28.98 on Amazon US.

Original (9/4): As previously reported, Pokemon Sword/Shield will be getting an official guide. We now know that as collector’s edition will be available alongside the standard release.

The Pokemon Sword/Shield collector’s edition guide will contain some exclusive extras. These include a premium hard cover, exclusive concept artwork, and Joy-Con controller skin and tech decal pack.

Pre-orders are currently open on Amazon here.

Pokemon developer today announced a special streaming taking place next month. Game Freak 30th Anniversary Celebration Steam will go live on October 16, the company has confirmed.

Below are the full details:


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