[Review] Yakuza Kiwami
Posted on 4 months ago by Edan(@@Virtualboi92) in Reviews, Switch | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: October 24, 2024
Developer: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
Publisher: SEGA
Ask any cohort of gamers what their favorite aspect of SEGA’s Yakuza series is, and you’ll doubt that each person you’ve involved in your study is talking about the same game. Some will highlight its accessible yet more-ish combat, or perhaps the unshakeable morals of the series’ most illustrious protagonist, Kazuma Kiryu. Quiz anyone who owns a Switch, however, and they will likely bemoan the free-roam brawler’s absence on Nintendo’s hybrid console. With the machine now coasting through its autumnal years with a continuously stacked release schedule, SEGA has opted to bring Switch owners into the family by porting Yakuza Kiwami – a remake of the series’ inaugural outing – to the console that just won’t die.
More: highlight, SEGA, top, Yakuza Kiwami
[Review] Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven
Posted on 4 months ago by Elias in Reviews, Switch | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: October 24, 2024
Developer: Square Enix / Xeen
Publisher: Square Enix
Square Enix’s SaGa franchise has seen quite the return over the last few years. With almost as many entries as the mainline Final Fantasy games, the series has had a lot of time to define itself – resulting in a focus on non-linearity, exploration, and a unique take on character advancement and customization that in the modern age is still surprisingly addictive and proves that the SaGa renaissance is in full swing. Heading in to a game I first experienced on Switch when it was first ported to the west in 2017, I was incredibly excited to return to the world of Avalon in beautiful 3D with Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven.
[Review] Card-en-Ciel
Posted on 4 months ago by Dawn in Reviews, Switch eShop | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: October 24, 2024
Developer: Inti Creates
Publisher: Inti Creates
If there’s one thing I don’t think we get enough of these days, it’s video game crossovers and character cameos. There’s something delightful in watching characters from different series interact with one another in “what if” scenarios. Despite being a deckbuilder, which is a far cry from the 2D action games they are better known for, Card-en-Ciel feels like a love letter to Inti Creates’ catalog of releases up to this point, and it delivers a surprisingly deep combat system that somehow manages to stay fresh despite the repetition and roguelike trappings that occasionally throw off the pacing.
More: Card-en-Ciel, highlight, Inti Creates, top
[Let’s Talk] What are you playing for Halloween this year?
Posted on 4 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 0 comments
In just a couple of weeks, Halloween will be rolling by once again. Around this time, many people play specific games that bring the spooky vibes. Some go all out with horror like Resident Evil, but there are plenty of titles that aren’t quite as serious yet still bring the same aura.
With Halloween taking place soon and often associated with October overall, have you been playing anything specific? What’s your favorite Halloween game? Let us know in the comments below.
This is the most overlooked entry in the Zelda series
Posted on 4 months ago by Ethan in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons may just be the most overlooked entry (or technically entries) in The Legend of Zelda series.
Echoes of Wisdom recently released, and it made history as Grezzo’s first fully-original core entry in the critically acclaimed series. It’s been created in the same style as the Link’s Awakening remake on Switch: chibi-style graphics with a vague dream-like quality. A completely new Zelda game is absolutely the best timeline, but today we’re here to talk about something different that could’ve happened instead: Link’s Awakening-style remakes of Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons.
[Review] Ys X: Nordics
Posted on 4 months ago by Dawn in Reviews, Switch | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: October 24, 2024
Developer: Falcom
Publisher: NIS America
Adol Christin has certainly led an interesting life. Across the series’ thirty-six year lifespan he’s crossed numerous continents, explored the ruins of civilizations past, and saved the world from dire threat on more than one occasion. But, fearless adventurer that he may be, Adol has never had much luck with ships. It seems that every time Adol sets foot on a ship it ends up sinking due to one circumstance or another, so putting him at the helm of one probably sounds like a bad idea. However, Ys X: Nordics does just that, and manages to mostly stay the course to deliver yet another solid entry in the series.
More: Falcom, highlight, NIS America, top, Ys X: Nordics
[Review] Neva
Posted on 4 months ago by Dawn in Reviews, Switch eShop | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: October 15, 2024
Developer: Nomada Studio
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Nearly six years after its release, I still find myself occasionally thinking about my experience with Gris. The debut title of Nomada Studio, it was a visually stunning experience that explored deeply personal themes of loss and acceptance, and it left a lasting impact on me in a way few other games can claim. I was keen to try out Neva, the studio’s second title, which I found feels no less poignant for its exploration of our relationship with the world and one another, and is a more than worthy spiritual successor.
More: Devolver Digital, highlight, Neva, Nomada Studio, top
[Let’s Talk] Will you be picking up Nintendo Clock: Alarmo?
Posted on 5 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Let's Talk | 0 comments
Leave it to Nintendo to throw out a curveball. Rather than unveiling its next console which is what many fans are anticipating, this week the company instead announced something that pretty much has nothing to do with gaming. Nintendo Clock: Alarmo was not only revealed, but given an initial, limited release as well.
Nintendo Clock: Alarmo is an interactive alarm clock with themes based on a few different games, including Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey. The device uses a motion sensor to detect when you’ve woken up and have gotten out of bed. Records are also included to track how much you move around in your sleep and more. We’ve got it all covered a bit more here.
What are your thoughts on Nintendo Clock: Alarmo? Have you already ordered a unit or will you be picking it up at some point? Let us know in the comments below.
[Let’s Talk] What are you playing? – October 2024
Posted on 5 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News | 0 comments
A new month just started up a few days ago. Now that we’re in October, we want to know what you’ve been playing.
Are you journeying your way through Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom? What about other recent games like Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, The Plucky Squire, or Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics? No matter the case, let us know in the comments below.
[Review] Bloomtown: A Different Story
Posted on 5 months ago by Dawn in Reviews, Switch eShop | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: September 24, 2024
Developer: Lazy Bear Games
Publisher: Twin Sails
The feeling of déjà vu is not an uncommon one to experience when playing a game, particularly with indies, which have often drawn their inspiration from more successful and well-established franchises to create their own take on the formula. It’s not inherently a bad thing, but it was a feeling that I often had whilst I was playing Bloomtown: A Different Story. Despite a few questionable deviations here and there, it delivers an experience that at least matches its inspirations for enthusiasm and spirit, if not entirely in terms of satisfaction and enjoyment.