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Q.U.B.E: Director’s Cut was confirmed for Wii U back in April 2013. It’s been nearly two years, but the game still hasn’t launched on the eShop. So what’s going on?

We reached out to Toxic Games recently, and the studio’s Dan Da Rocha told us that Q.U.B.E “has taken longer than expected”. However, the team is “on track to release April/May time across all consoles (apart from 360).” Only a few more months!

Big John Games has been hard at work on Cube Creator 3D. However, you may recall that the studio casually also announced Lionel Trains 3D for the eShop last August. We hadn’t received any actual details about the title… until now.

Big John Games was kind enough to share first information about the game, which is now called “Lionel City Builder 3D: Rise of the Rails”. Screenshots and concept art are posted below.

According to Big John Games’ Ken Patterson, the team initially thought about adjusting the engine used by Coaster Creator 3D for this game since its sandbox “is really strong.” However, they soon became interested in adding some stories and playable missions. The sandbox remains, but Lionel City Builder 3D will offer these new elements as well.

Lionel City Builder 3D is set fifty years in the future. Due to the breakdown of transportation between communities, they are now isolated and in decay. With no way way to transport goods, commerce slows to a crawl and cities and communities’ economies are in ruin. You’ll play as “Vin”, who is a worker at a smelting yard. Vin decides to reestablish trains as transportation and sets out to connect communities in hopes of saving the day.

Going back to the sandbox mode, Lionel City Builder 3D will provide hundreds of objects to build and unique environments. Players can assemble a train and take it through user-created landscapes. And speaking of user-creation, it’s possible to share worlds with other players through QR codes.

There are a couple of months left remaining in Lionel City Builder 3D’s development. Once done, we should see it on the 3DS eShop.

Indie developer Edrox Interactive has revealed a new project for Wii U titled “Bizerta: Silent Evil”. This horror game started out as a PlayStation Vita/PS Mobile game, but will now be heading to Nintendo’s console instead.

Just a few details have been made known thus far. We know that players will roam through a a disheveled mansion with a flashlight as they confront panic inducing gameplay elements. Additionally, there are plans to mix both horror and puzzle elements into one experience.

Check out some images from Bizerta: Silent Evil below.


VD-Dev previously mentioned that it was targeting a February 26 release date for IronFall Invasion in North America. Today, that’s been made official. A listing on Nintendo’s website confirms that IronFall Invasion is due out next Thursday.

Source, Via

Zen Studios is bringing more content to Zen Pinball 2. The Iron & Steel Pack, comprised of CastleStorm and Wild West Rampage tables, will be coming to Wii U at some point in the future.

Below is an overview of both:

In CastleStorm pinball, players will team up once again with the heroic knight Sir Gareth as he returns to protect the Kingdom from the relentless hordes of vicious Vikings and their raging leader, Chief Ramhorn. The table features single and multiball game modes set within a Viking stronghold, an enormous fire breathing dragon, an armored troll, and even a charming donkey!

YEEEEHAAAW! The Wild West Rampage table stars Cindy, a bold bounty hunter who arrives in the western town of Rackton Point with a bone to pick with the town’s crooked Sheriff Evans. Cindy has her sights aimed on defeating his men and ruining their crooked plans to control the town, but it definitely won’t be easy to loosen Evans’ stranglehold. Hit the trail and experience an exciting Western-inspired playfield complete with a rolling 3D steam engine, swinging saloon doors, a six-shooter ball locker, and duels with members of Sheriff Evans’ posse!

We’ll let you know when a Wii U release date for the tables has been finalized.


Another Kickstarter project is now confirmed for Wii U. After exceeding $40,000 in donations, Strength of the Sword Ultimate will be making its way to the eShop.

Strength of the Sword Ultimate is a 3D brawler that places players in the role of a knight. There will be multiple enemies to take on at once and boss battles, all of which is tied together with tactical and skill based combat. You can get a look at what’s in store for Strength of the Sword Ultimate through the video above.


Y2K trailer

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments

Hush footage

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment

It’s been awhile since we last heard about Hush – nearly a year, actually. The game’s Indiegogo campaign didn’t progress too far, but it’s still in the works, and remains on track for Wii U. You can find some footage above.

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