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VRog file size

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

The file size for another upcoming Wii U eShop game has been made known. VRog, coming from ByteRockers Games, takes up 192MB of space. The game launches on October 6 in Europe.


You wouldn’t normally count on something like Mahjong to take up a lot of space on Wii U, but the new Wii U eShop game is here to subvert your expectations. It’ll take up nearly 500MB on your internal memory or external hard drive. Those of you in Europe can grab Mahjong from the eShop now.


Ninja Pizza Girl finally launches for Wii U on October 6. If you plan on downloading the game, keep in mind that it takes up nearly 2.5GB. We should be seeing footage from the Wii U version of Ninja Pizza Girl soon.


We’ve already seen what Severed looks like on Wii U, but now we have some (off-screen) footage showing the 3DS version. Check out some gameplay below.

Update: We now have confirmation that the October 6th release date is not exclusive to Europe, thanks to the most recent Kickstarter update.

Fresh from the oven and delivered straight to the Wii U. Ninja Pizza Girl is coming to our family’s favorite console on October 6th!!!!


Original: At least in Europe, Ninja Pizza Girl is due out very soon on Wii U. An eShop listing pins the title down for October 6. Ninja Pizza Girl will cost €8.99.

Here’s a closer look at the eShop listing:



System: Wii U (eShop)
Release date: September 22, 2016
Developer: DrinkBox Studios
Publisher DrinkBox Studios

Severed is a really interesting experiment in nabbing some popular mobile game mechanics and fleshing them out into a unique dungeon-crawling RPG with combat that plays out more rhythmically than statistically. Really, Severed takes a bunch of concepts and fuses them together in a very fun way. It’s hard to compare it to any one game in particular, but easy to see the little bits and pieces of inspiration it grabbed from here and there.

Nintendo has published an official “Tips & Tricks” video for Severed which contains commentary straight from DrinkBox. See it below.

The upcoming digital releases for European just keep rolling right on in. We now know that Ping 1.5+ is slated for October 6 with a €4.49 price point. Originally, Ping 1.5+ debuted in North America a couple of years ago.

Here’s a look at the European eShop listing for the game:


As part of the Nindies Summer Jam, Severed has launched on the Wii U eShop. The game takes up 230MB on the console. When Severed comes to 3DS in the near future, it’ll be 1,178 blocks or 147.25MB.


Sanuk Games’ Mahjong is out today on the European Wii U eShop. Check out a new trailer for it:

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