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Inti Creates

Mighty No. 9’s latest update is in relation to Mighty No. 8’s stage and talks a little bit about the troubles Beck will face traversing through what’s on offer. Comcept also shared several new images from the game. You’ll find all of the new content below.


This time around we’re showing off the Capitol Building! This stage certainly stands out for its unique ambience compared to the other stages we’ve shown so far. More than a few of you said as much after seeing a snippet of gameplay in Keiji Inafune’s New Year’s message.

This immaculate estate is dotted with luxurious adornments, such as the fountain you see here. Here Beck forgets his grueling battle for a moment and runs through the halls, taking in all the sights. If he’s not careful, security’s gonna tell him off for sure…

Azure Striker Gunvolt has managed to sell over 90,000 copies worldwide, according to creator Inti Creates.

Inti Creates announced strong sales for the downloadable 3DS game on Twitter today. It was accompanied by a new piece of art from one of Azure Striker Gunvolt’s character designers.

Here’s the full message:


Comcept provided a brief look at a new level from Mighty No. 9 today. View it in the video above. You’ll also find a New Year’s greeting from Keiji Inafune!

Mighty No. 9 shouldn’t be in development for too much longer. In a website update, Comcept noted that the game is now in a “pre-final” beta stage.

Comcept still needs to fill certain things in, though the current build features all story stages, Online Race Battles, a Challenge Mode, and more. The main work left to be done is to finish Mighty No. 9’s ending, perform adjustments, debugging, visual tweaks, and other things of that nature.


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