Lots of Azure Striker Gunvolt details
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
About a day ago, Inti Creates released another batch of screenshots and information for Azure Striker Gunvolt. The latest details, which have since been translated, can be found after the break.
Azure Striker Gunvolt screenshots/art, Japanese release date
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Screenshots | 0 comments
Inti Creates published a new batch of Azure Striker Gunvolt screenshots and art, which you can find in the gallery above. We also have a final Japanese release date: August 20. The game is priced at 1,960 yen.
More: Azure Striker Gunvolt, Inti Creates, Japan
Azure Striker Gunvolt won’t have English voices, no DLC
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 4 Comments
Inti Creates was originally planning on including English voices in the North American release of Azure Striker Gunvolt. However, this is no longer in the cards.
The official Azure Striker Gunvolt Twitter account confirms:
@DuoDynamo I said that North American ver has English voice. However, the game don't have English voice, for the specification has changed.
— gunvolt_official (@GunvoltOfficial) July 13, 2014
@TheStormEmperor @DuoDynamo Voice of Japanese will be implemented in the North American version for the battle part.
— gunvolt_official (@GunvoltOfficial) July 13, 2014
Separate from the topic of voice acting, Inti Creates said that Azure Striker Gunvolt won’t have DLC.
@Unialien We will not plan downloadable contents for this game.
— gunvolt_official (@GunvoltOfficial) July 13, 2014
Mighty No. 9 videos
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Comcept shared four new videos from Mighty No. 9 today that highlight some of the game’s actions. You’ll find them all gathered below.
More: Comcept, Inti Creates, Mighty No. 9
Azure Striker Gunvolt details cover the Dart Gun
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Siliconera has translated another round of details about Azure Striker Gunvolt, with the Dart Gun taking the focus this time around. Here’s a roundup of the latest information:
– Gunvolt’s primary weapon is the Lightning Ring
– Aim the ring by using Gunvolt’s Dart Gun to shoot enemies and tag them as targets first
– Flight path and number of enemies you can lock on to changes depending on the kind of cartridges loaded into the Dart Gun
– At least 5 darts in the game
Violet Dragon
– Standard dart
– Automatic fire
– 3 lock-ons
Water Dragon
– Fires in one of five directions
– Ricochets around the screen
– Holding down the fire button changes the firing direction
– 1 lock-on
King Cobra
– Holding down the fire button charges a shot that can pierce through enemies
– Up to 5 lock-ons
– This is one of the attacks that can be powered up using equipment
– Fire 2 darts at the same time
– One goes up and travels along the ceiling, while the other goes down and travels along the floor
– 2 lock-ons
– A small drone hovers behind Gunvolt, firing darts in seven directions
– Up to 8 lock-ons
Mighty No. 9 gets second funding campaign
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 8 Comments
Mighty No. 9 was one of Kickstarter’s most successful campaigns having raised nearly $4 million. However, Comcept announced last night that the company is opening a second funding campaign. This will be handled through PayPal.
Funds raised through Kickstarter last year will be used to complete development on the entire game. But with this new crowdfunding opportunity, the team is “looking to add new content to the game that we did not or could not add to the stretch goals during the original funding campaign”.
The first goal, set at $100,000, will add full English voice acting.
You can find more information in an official FAQ here.
More: Comcept, Inti Creates, Mighty No. 9
More Azure Striker Gunvolt details
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Siliconera has translated a new round of details about Azure Striker Gunvolt. You can find them rounded up below.
– Make new equipment with materials you collect
– Get rewards with materials based on your score and rank
– You’ll earn rewards at the Results Screen after every mission
– Use materials at the Store Screen to make items
– Over 70 equippable items
– 5 ranks at the end of each mission
– C, B, A, S and SS ranks
– Each rank depends on your score
– Each one also comes with a certain amount of materials and credits
– In order to get a higher score, you’ll need to keep an eye on your Kudos and your completion time
– Get a 50% score bonus by setting a new completion time record for a mission
– Equipment examples:
Ring of Flight: Allows GV to jump once in mid-air at the cost of 150 EP
Ring of Double Flight: Allow GV to jump twice in mid-air using 100 EP
Ring of Airwalking: Allows GV to dash in mid-air for 150 EP
Feather Pendant: You start with this item. It allows the use of Afterimage
Pendant of Stoicism: Prevents stun when hit
Pendant of Wrath: Increases Lightning Ring damage, but raises EP cost
Vitality Lenses: Healing and recovery items restore more than usual
Control Lenses: Lightning Ring costs less EP
Prodigy Lenses: Recover SP (Skill Points) faster
Cobra Lenses: Reduces time needed to charge “King Cobra” attacks
– Equip/remove equipment at any time from the Pause Menu
– Game has optional quests that you can complete in each mission
– Doing these will reward you with additional materials and credits
– Can accept up to 3 quests at a time
– All quests are optional
– Won’t be penalized for failing a quest
– Each mission has Medals hidden throughout
– Each Medal you find will give you more materials and credits at the end of the mission
North American release date for Azure Striker Gunvolt coming soon
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Last week, Inti Creates announced that Azure Striker Gunvolt will be hitting Japan in mid-August. News regarding the game’s North American release date apparently isn’t too far behind.
The official Azure Striker Gunvolt teaesd on Twitter just a short while ago:
Localization is well really! The day to announce the release date of the North American version is close. 🙂 #gunvolt pic.twitter.com/gBx7wjYUgz
— gunvolt_official (@GunvoltOfficial) July 1, 2014
Azure Striker Gunvolt details
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Another round of Azure Striker Gunvolt are now available. You can find them all in our summary below.
– Game has a leveling up system
– Raise Gunvolt’s level, increase his HP, and get new skills
– Learn skills at certain levels
– Defeat enemies to level up
– At certain levels, Gunvolt will learn a new Attack or Support skill
– Skills are used by touching a Skill icon on the Nintendo 3DS touch screen
– Equip up to four skills at a time
– Need SP to use skills
– Gunvolt can has up to 3 SP at any point
Skill examples
– Lightning Sphere (SP Cost: 1) – Spheres of electricity appear around Gunvolt and deliver consecutive damage to enemies
– Electrocaliber (SP Cost: 2) – GV summons a giant blade of electricity that thrusts forward
– Voltic Chain (SP Cost: 3) – Numerous giant chains crisscross the screen and get charged with electricity; the more enemies there are in the area, the more effective the attack
– Healing Voltage (SP Cost: 1) – Gunvolt boosts his body’s electrical system to recover HP
– Gunvolt can also use Psychic Abilities
– Ex: “Afterimage” – activates when GV is hit by an enemy attack, and automatically allows him to dodge attacks for as long as the ability remains active
– Afterimage can’t be used while Gunvolt is using his Lightning Ring attack
– This is another Psychic Ability
– Afterimage and other Psychic Abilities cost Energy Points (EP) to use
– The EP bar is the curved gauge you see underneath GV himself, and if it reaches zero, he overheats
– Recover EP by quickly tapping down on the d-pad twice
– Can also recover with the Recharge skill
– This completely restores EP lost from using Psychic Abilities such as Lightning Ring and Afterimage
– The skill allows Gunvolt to recover immediately from overheating