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This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (3DS) – 9/9/9/*
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma (PSV) – 8/9/8/*
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (PSV) – 8/8/*/8
Just Dance (Wii U) – 8/8/*/8
NES Remix 1+2 (Wii U) – 8/8/7/*
Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst (360) – 7/8/*/8
Rayman Legends (PSV) – */8/7/7
Chronostacia (PSP) – */8/7/7
JS Girl: Doki Doki Model Challenge (3DS) – */7/7/7
Guruguru Tamagotchi! (3DS) – */7/6/8
Harem Tengoku da to Omottara Yandere Jigoku Datta (PS3) – 7/8/*/5
Maple Story: The Girl’s Fate (3DS) – 6/8/*/7
Ima Sugu Oniichan ni Im?to da tte Iitai! (PSV) – 6/8/7/*
Kuroyukihime: Snow Black (PSP) – 7/*/7/6
Muv Luv: Photon Flowers (PS3) – 5/*/7/7
Ge-Sen Love Plus Pengo! (360) – */7/5/6

Note: Use of the “*” symbol is due to the lack of full scores being unavailable at this time. Leaks have only revealed three scores for each game.

Youkai Watch 2 boxarts

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments



Those who pre-order Youkai Watch 2: Honke will get the “Jibanyan Medal Komanyachi” medal while people who pre-order Youkai Watch 2: Ganso will receive the “Jibanyan Medal Nyaiiin”.


Monster Hunter Frontier G’s latest collaboration is for Infinite Stratos.

Players will be able to wear costumes based on the series: notably protagonist Ichika Orimura, Houki Shinonono, Cecilia Alcott, Charlotte Dunois, and Tatenashi Sarashiki. Long Sword, Heavy Bowgun, Lance, and Light Bowgun will also be available.

The Monster Hunter Frontier G Infinite Stratos collaboration will begin on April 30.


Nintendo will soon be kicking off a new 3DS XL promotion in Japan.

Those who pick up a new system beginning on April 26 can receive a “recommended” game download as a bonus. They’ll receive a voucher redeemable for a game chosen by Nintendo.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Youkai Watch are the first two recommended games. Both will be available until May 1, and will then be swapped out with different titles.

Vouchers will expire on September 30. However, if consumers aren’t interested in these first two games, they can wait until June the June titles are announced or later.


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Arc System Works has shared the first screenshot from Nekketsu Magic Story on the game’s official website. We also now know that the title will offer “2D Action” gameplay.

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