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picross s7 gameplay

Picross S7 made it to Switch earlier today, and we now have a good chunk of gameplay. We have 18 minutes of footage showing Jupiter’s latest release.

For more on Picross S7, read the following overview:

Picross S7

Jupiter’s Picross series continues on Switch with Picross S7, which the company just announced today.

This time around, the franchise is finally introducing touchscreen controls. It’s possible to use “Touch Hold” or “Touch Toggle” as an input method on the puzzle board.

Picross S: Genesis & Master System Edition

Picross S: Genesis & Master System Edition still has a week to go until release, but Jupiter has made a demo available in advance via the eShop. View some footage below.

Picross S: Genesis & Master System Edition launches as a Switch eShop download on August 5. We have more information and a trailer here.

Picross S: Genesis & Master System Edition

Picross S: Genesis & Master System Edition is almost here. The puzzle title, which was revealed for Switch just over a year ago, is now confirmed to be releasing next week.

Here’s a brief overview, along with a trailer:

Picross S6

Yesterday, Jupiter announced Picross S6 as the latest addition to its puzzle series. It’s a few days away from release, but fans can try out a free demo via the eShop.

Here’s some footage:

Picross S6

Picross S6 is on the way to Switch, Jupiter has revealed. It will release on April 22.

Here’s an overview of the game, along with a trailer:

Picross S5

Picross S5 made it to Switch yesterday, and we now have a video showing off all of the game’s modes. Have a look at th footage below.

Picross S5 is available for Switch via the eShop.

Picross S5

Earlier today, Jupiter announced Picross S5 for Switch. The game already has a listing on the Japanese eShop where fans can download a demo in advance.

Here’s some footage:

Picross S5

Jupiter is continuing on with the puzzle series Picross S with the latest addition, Picross S5. It’ll be launching for Switch in just a few days – specifically November 26.

Here’s an overview of Picross S5, along with a trailer:

A confirmed release date for leaked title Doraemon Learning Collection has been announced. Priced at 4,950 yen, the collection will see release on Feb. 4th, 2021. The list of included games can be seen here:

Dora Kazu: Nobita no Suuji Daibouken (July 2012) – Math Training
Dora Chie: Mini-Dora Ongakutai to 7-tsu no Chie (November 2013) – Brain Training
Dora Eigo: Nobita to Yousei no Fushigi Collection (November 2014) – English Training
Dora Moji: Nobita no Kanji Daibouken (February 2015) – Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji Training

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