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Level-5 hasn’t really done much with Switch thus far. But in 2018, that should be changing.

4Gamer spoke with Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino, who spoke about plans for next year. He cited Inazuma Eleven Ares and Ni no Kuni II as upcoming titles, before going on to say that the company will focus on Switch in 2018 – or literally that they’ll put their power into the new console.

Hino also mentioned in his remarks that Level-5 is preparing a 20th anniversary title. However, it’s unclear if it has any relations to Switch.

Yo-kai Watch Busters 2 launched in Japan on December 16. First week sales were reported this week. Through December 17, the game sold just over 200,000 copies.

According to Dengeki, the “Sword” version was slightly more popular at 100,118 units sold. The “Magnum” version sold 95,794 copies.

Level-5 has launched the new 3DS game Yo-kai Watch Busters 2 in Japan. Thanks to AbdallahSmash026, we have a lengthy look at the game. Watch a half hour of footage below.

Level-5 has published two more trailers for the upcoming Japanese 3DS releases of Yo-kai Watch Busters 2. We have them both below.

New footage has emerged for Yo-kai Watch Busters 2, which is out in Japan next weekend. Check out the gameplay below.

Level-5 has prepared a series of commercials for its new Japanese 3DS release Yo-kai Watch Busters 2. We have the full set below.

Level-5 has posted another commercial for the upcoming Japanese 3DS game Yo-kai Watch Busters 2. View the advert below.

Level-5 finally confirmed last month that Inazuma Eleven Ares is bound for Switch. In this week’s issue of Famitsu, company CEO Akihiro Hino is interviewed about the game. Hino commented on why 3DS was ditched and Switch was chosen, how there will be more fun for adults this time around, and more.

A number of tidbits from the interview have already leaked from Famitsu, which Gematsu translated. You can find the full roundup below.

Yo-kai Watch Busters has sent out a new trailer and commercial for Yo-kai Watch Busters. Find the two videos below.

The next Inazuma Eleven game, Inazuma Eleven Ares, will be released on Switch. Level-5 just shared the news during an Inazuma Eleven broadcast today.

Inazuma Eleven Ares will be released Summer 2018 in Japan.

Here’s the first glimpse of footage, which is a work-in-progress:

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