Layton’s Mystery Journey details, screenshots – Episode 03, characters, mini-games
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 0 comments
A bunch of new details and screenshots are in for Layton’s Mystery Journey. Today’s news blast covers episode 3, several characters, and mini-games. Find everything rounded up below, courtesy of Gematsu.
Episode 03
– An incident occurs at a movie screening where the millionaires of London such as Mayor Fremens and Clerk Gospec have gathered
– The movie being shown at the screening is a spectacle called “Submarine Attack of Love”
– Its synopsis is as follows:
“A number of incidents occur in a luxurious passenger boat boarded by two lovers. At the climax, the pair are in a desperate situation as their boat is sinking. However, it is at that time that their boat suddenly transforms into a submarine. Then they both confirm their love for each other and romantically kiss.”
– Many spectators came to the venue to get a glimpse of the “kiss scene on the most romantic deck” that everyone is talking about
– But in the movie that was screened, the ending came without a kiss scene
– Katrielle, who was visiting the venue, will seek out the criminal who cut and “stole” the kiss scene
– Various characters are suspected of “stealing” the kiss scene in Episode 03
– They are the “Submarine Attack of Love” director, the same movie’s editorial technician, the movie theater’s projection technician, and the hill myna bird kept in the theater’s projection room
Harry Gilmont
– 45 years old, the director of “Submarine Attack of Love”
– Harry was once a low-selling director who only filmed maniac movies
– He became a popular director in recent years; has a passion for movies
Harper Chanploo
– The editorial technician of “Submarine Attack of Love”
– 52 years old
– He is an expert with a considerable amount of experience piled up
– He disagrees with Director Glimont on the direction of the movie
Amon Tread
– The projection technician at Rabbit Star Theater
– 24 years old He has a dull appearance, but is an excellent technician
– He is a machine otaku who especially loves visual equipment and gives a name to each machine
Priske (Hill Myna Bird)
– A hill myna bird that speaks various broken phrases
– He is being kept at the Rabbit Star Theater’s projection room
– “Daily Puzzle Delivery” will return
– This allows the player to download a new puzzle every day for a year following the game’s release
Accessory Shop mini-game
– The goal of the Accessory Shop mini-game is to sell out by placing “wanted items” along the route of the shop interior that customers walk
– From the entrance, the customer will move along the shortest route towards their “wanted item”
– If there are multiple routes of the same distance, the customer will go straight, then turn right
– If there is a “might as well buy this, too” item along that route, they will purchase that as well
– It is good to let customers pass through the front of the selves in order to get a purchase
– You will clear the stage when everything is sold out
– Look at the customer’s information and aim to sell out by skillfully placing the items
Bumpy Labyrinth mini-game
– Lead Katrielle’s human language-speaking dog assistant Sherl to the goal
– With one move, Sherl moves straight ahead until he reaches dead end, so you will adjust the stopping points using the “Bumpy Switches” that lift the labyrinth floors up and down
– If you reach the goal within the set shortest number of movements, you will achieve a “Perfect Clear”
– While you will aim to reach the goal using the required number of movements, there will also be mechanisms such as jumps and arrows that force a certain direction of movement
Latest commercial for The Snack World
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Level-5 is back with another commercial for what it hopes will be its next big hit, The Snack World. You can watch it below.
More: commercial, Level-5, The Snack World
Level-5 CEO on why Layton has been a success in the west, continued popularity, series’ origins, more
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, General Nintendo, News | 5 Comments
A new interview has appeared with Level-5’s CEO. Glixel recently spoke with the company’s Akihiro Hino.
Hino had plenty to say about the Layton series, including its success in the west, continued popularity today, and how it came to be in the first place. He also commented on other topics as well. These include how Level-5 is different from other developers and how it has changed as a company, and more.
You can read up on notable excerpts from the interview below. Head on over here for the full interview.
More: Akihiro Hino, interview, Level-5, Professor Layton, top
The Snack World: Trejarers live action commercials
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, Videos | 2 Comments
Level-5 has released a couple of live action commercials for The Snack World: Trejarers, which will be released in Japan for 3DS on August 10th:
More: Level-5, The Snack World
Layton’s Mystery Journey file size
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
Layton’s Mystery Journey can now be pre-loaded on the Japanese 3DS eShop. To do so, you’ll need 5,768 blocks of free space. That translates to 721 MB.
Level-5 considering past projects for Switch, making Katrielle the new protagonist of Layton, Phoenix Wright crossover
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Switch | 22 Comments
Another new interview is in with Akihiro Hino. This time, GameSpot is the latest outlet to have spoken with the Level-5 CEO. Topics include potentially bringing past projects to Switch, why Katrielle is the new protagonist of the Layton series (and whether or not she’s really Professor Layton’s daughter), and reminiscing on Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
Find these excerpts from the interview below. You can read GameSpot’s full interview here.
The Snack World: Trejarers now launches on August 10th in Japan; new trailer and commercials
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News, Videos | 3 Comments
Level-5 has slightly delayed The Snack World: Trejarers in Japan. The 3DS game will now launch on August 10th, moved back from the initially announced July 13th release date. According to Level-5, the delay was necessary in order to improve the quality of the game. A new trailer and several new TV commercials were also released, which you can find past the break.
More: Level-5, The Snack World
Yo-kai Watch 3 version 4.0 trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 3 Comments
Level-5 is releasing a new update for Yo-kai Watch 3 this summer, highlighted by the addition of new yo-kai. View a trailer for the update below.
More: Japan, Level-5, Yo-Kai Watch 3
Level-5 comments on Switch support again
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 19 Comments
Level-5 president Akihiro Hino was asked about Switch support once again while speaking with Game Informer at E3 2017 last week. Here’s the exchange between the two:
How has work gone with the Nintendo kingdom recently, and are you excited about making games for the Switch?
Well, let’s just say the Nintendo kingdom, in recent years, has really sprung back with the Nintendo Switch, so I think it’s time to increase our foreign trade development department with the Nintendo kingdom.
We also heard from Hino a few days ago. In an interview with Eurogamer, he mentioned that Level-5 is trying to see if the Layton series could work on Switch, but the lack of a touchscreen when the system is docked is bringing about some challenges.
More: Akihiro Hino, interview, Level-5
New Layton’s Mystery Journey trailer, “Real World Puzzle Solving” campaign announced
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 38 Comments
Level-5 prepared a brand new trailer for Layton’s Mystery Journey, which is on the way to 3DS. View it below.
Along with today’s trailer, Level-5 announced a partnership with SCRAP for a “Real World Puzzle Solving” campaign. Here’s what we know about it:
“To commemorate the release of Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires’ Conspiracy, Level-5 has teamed up with SCRAP — a company that creates real escape games — to produce a puzzle-solving event that challenges users around the world to solve 50 puzzles that appear on the internet and in special locations in 10 countries, including Japan, the U.S., the U.K., South Korea, and Australia. This world-wide event will take place for roughly three months, starting on June 20 and ending on September 21.”
The first puzzle is about Pikotaro’s “Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen” song. You can participate on the official site at