Sakurai on how third-party characters are chosen in Smash Bros., roster, more
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 4 Comments
Nintendo Life has published a new interview with Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai. Topics include third-party characters, the roster in general, the meticulous process of creating the different characters, and how much fans influence decisions.
Head past the break for some interview excerpts. The full interview can be found here.
Sakurai on the removal of character transformations in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS, online lag
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 17 Comments
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS marks the first time in which there are no character transformations. Zelda, for instance, transformed into Sheik in previous games.
In his latest Famitsu column, Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai explains that the change came about due to limitations with the 3DS hardware.
He said:
“It’s basically due to the 3DS’ limitations. It was impossible to have both characters exist together [as one] on 3DS.”
“However, reaching that limit can sometimes lead in good directions. Transforming characters had the drawback of ambiguous tactics and such, and I believe that they have become more fresh now.”
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshots (10/01/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in News, Screenshots, Wii U | 9 Comments
Today Sakuari gives us a look at a Wii U exclusive stage from the Star Fox universe which is looking pretty chaotic:
He goes on:
Missiles are launched towards the Orbital Gate! The force field shields the machinery for a while, and the missiles eventually get shot down by team Star Fox. Overall, this stage feels like a ride. It’s pretty hectic, so hold on tight!
The Arwings are passing through the gate! And the fighters hop on for a free ride!!
Sakurai on why Smash Bros. 3DS doesn’t support the Circle Pad Pro
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 33 Comments
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS will make use of the New 3DS’ c-stick. However, there is no support for the Circle Pad Pro, which works with regular 3DS systems.
Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai explained why this is so in his latest bi-weekly Famitsu column. He noted:
“Supporting the CCP requires the use of some of the CPU’s processing load. From the information received during the development of Kid Icarus: Uprising, this is a quite large load at around 5%. Kid Icarus: Uprising and Smash both use the maximum capability of the device, so we had to abandon the idea of CCP support. With the New 3DS, we were able to support the C-Stick as the processing power is increased and it is not a peripheral device.”
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS screenshots (09/29/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 0 comments
We’re only days away from the 3DS version now, but has that release got you excited or the shift in focus to Wii U screenshots more? Regardless, Sakurai shares some more gameplay tidbits today:
Mr Sakurai elaborates:
Also, For the Boxing Ring, if you select the stage while holding down the L Button, you can play on the Smash Bros. version of the stage. If you hold down the Y Button, you can choose to play on the Punch Out! version. These variations are usually selected at random, but this method lets you select them manually.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshot (9/26/14) – Game & Wario stage
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U | 24 Comments
Today’s daily Super Smash Bros. screenshot places the focus on the Wii U version once again, and we receive a first look at a brand new Game & Wario stage. Check out the full update from director Masahiro Sakurai below:
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS screenshot (09/25/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 0 comments
A further look at Mii Fighter customization today, Sakurai talks about a bit about the options players have available to them:
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS screenshot (9/24/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 2 Comments
At this stage it’s a bit hard to avoid character and stage information with the game officially out in Japan, but today Sakurai officially reveals another 3DS stage:
He continues:
There are a lot of new elements in the PictoChat 2 stage. In this screenshot, it looks like there is depth to the stage…or like there isn’t. The illusory nature of the drawing is meant to challenge your perspective.
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS screenshot (09/23/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 2 Comments
In today’s screenshot Sakurai talks a bit about Master Hand, the Smash Bros. staple waiting for challengers at the end of Classic mode:
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS screenshot (09/22/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 3 Comments
A Conquest mode screenshot today, Sakurai talks a little bit about the patched in mode today: