Pokemon Bank (version 1.3), Poke Transporter (version 1.2) updates live
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 25 Comments
The new updates for Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter are now available. The two apps have been updated to version 1.3 and 1.2 respectively.
After downloading the Pokemon Bank update, compatibility will be added in with Pokemon Sun/Moon. And for Poke Transporter, creatures from Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS Virtual Console can be transferred into Pokemon Sun/Moon.
Pokemon Bank: upcoming generation 1 transfer details
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News | 3 Comments
While we still don’t have a concrete date beyond “late January” for the update that will implement Pokemon Bank compatibility with Pokemon Sun & Moon, we at least have some news about the transfer process from the generation 1 Virtual Console games to Pokemon Bank. This comes to us via Nintendo Hong Kong and Serebii.
One big question about this transfer process was how it would handle IVs, Natures and Abilities, since these didn’t exist (Natures & Abilities) or worked differently (IVs) in Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow. It seems like, when transferring a generation 1 Pokemon to Pokemon Bank, it will have 3 maxed out IVs and receive a random Nature and Ability (out of the ones it can have), with the possibility of it receiving its Hidden Ability. Transferred Pokemon will also receive a special Game Boy mark on their summary page, to indicate that they have been transferred from a generation 1 game.
A handy new feature is that you don’t need to transfer Pokemon to your games in order to register them in the National Pokedex. If you have all of your various games connected to Pokemon Bank, the Bank will sync them all up and combine all the Pokemon you own across your games into one list. You can also track various in-game statistics directly via the Bank, such as the total number of eggs you have hatched.
It will also be possible to send Battle Points again.
Pokemon Bank compatibility with Sun & Moon planned for January 2017
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News | 5 Comments
Today, the Japanese Pokemon Youtube channel re-uploaded a video that introduces the Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter applications for 3DS. What’s notable about this is that the video’s description was edited to reflect the fact that the update that will allow Pokemon Bank to work with Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon is now scheduled to arrive in January 2017, two months after the launch of the new generation of games. This update will also allow players to deposit their Pokemon from the Virtual Console versions of Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow into the Bank.
Previously, no set release date for this update was announced, though perhaps many people assumed it would be available in late November alongside Sun and Moon. Still, this isn’t exactly a new occurrence as Pokemon Bank wasn’t available for the launch of Pokemon X & Y back in October 2013 either, instead launching in December 2013. Be patient, trainers, and make use of the Pokemon found in Alola until you can transfer over your old favorites!
Pokemon Bank to offer Regirock, Regice, and Registeel starting on Friday
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 2 Comments
Pokemon Bank is running a special offer starting on March 4 and running through October 31. By accessing the app during this period, users will receive a Regirock, Regice, and Registeel that each possesses a Hidden Ability. Keep in mind that Pokemon Bank requires an annual membership fee of $4.99.
Here’s the promotion rundown from The Pokemon Company:
“You can get the Pokémon trio by selecting the Pokémon Link option from the menu screen of your Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire game. Once you’ve received the Pokémon in Pokémon Bank, select Pokémon Link and the three Pokémon will be sent to a Box in your game. The three Pokémon will be sent one at a time from Pokémon Bank. Note that you can receive these Pokémon only once per Pokémon Bank account, even if you have multiple copies of Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.
Each of the three Pokémon that you receive has a Hidden Ability, a trait they do not possess when found in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. This is your first chance to get these Pokémon with their Hidden Abilities, so don’t miss this opportunity!”
And here’s a breakdown of Regirock, Regice, and Registeel:
More: Pokemon Bank
Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS VC work with Pokemon Bank
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 17 Comments
During today’s Pokemon Direct, it was announced that Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS Virtual Console are all compatible with Pokemon Bank. That means any Pokemon you catch in the classic games can eventually be transferred over to Sun and Moon.
Pokemon Bank, Poke Transporter undergoing maintenance on Tuesday
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter will both be experiencing a bit of maintenance on Tuesday. Here’s the rundown from Nintendo:
From Tuesday, June 23, 2015 6:00 PM
– Tuesday, June 23, 2015 7:00 PM Pacific Time
During the maintenance window, the following services may be unavailable.
Nintendo 3DS
– Online Play, Rankings, etc. for Poké Transporter
– Online Play, Rankings, etc. for Pokémon Bank
More: Poke Transporter, Pokemon Bank
Hidden Ability Johto starters now available for Pokemon Bank
Posted on 10 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
If you own Pokemon Bank, you can now download the fully evolved Johto starter Pokemon. During this distribution event you can get Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr with their Hidden Abilities of Leaf Guard, Flash Fire, and Sheer Force.
This latest distribution will run until November 30th and is available to all owners of the Pokemon Bank. The starter Pokemon can be sent to Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire games through their Pokemon Link feature.
Fully evolved Johto starters to be distributed through Pokemon Bank starting this month
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Those who access Pokemon Bank starting on February 27 can receive Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr with their hidden abilities of Leaf Guard, Flash Fire and Sheer Force respectively. All three are being distributed through the Pokemon Link feature in Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire. There’s a limit of one of each per Pokemon Bank. Note that the promotion ends on November 30.
Here’s the official press announcement:
Pokemon Bank – 1.2 update out now
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 5 Comments
A new Pokemon Bank update is now available, and it takes up 210 blocks. Version 1.2 can be downloaded by accessing the 3DS eShop. The specifics of today’s update are unclear, but the patch is likely related to Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.
More: Pokemon Bank, title update
How to get Celebi from Pokemon Bank
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News | 5 Comments
Now that Pokemon Bank is out in the wild, Pokemon X/Y players can receive a free Celebi once they use the application. But how do you go about getting your free Pokemon?
Here’s a quick, handy guide:
1. Download Pokemon Bank from the eShop
2. Insert Pokemon X/Y game cartridge/keep downloaded version on your system
3. Purchase a free 30-day pass if you haven’t done so previously
4. Put one of your Pokemon into the bank
5. Boot up Pokemon X/Y and select “Pokemon Link” (receive your free miles or battle points)
6. Launch Pokemon Bank and receive Celebi
7. Boot up Pokemon X/Y once more and select “Pokemon Link” again, receive Celebi
That’s all! Pretty simple, no? Try Pokemon Bank before December and you can receive Celebi by following the steps above.
Thanks to Jake for the tip.