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Pokemon Unite

This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta play Pokemon Unite with a few YouTubers. Check out the full episode below.

The Pokemon Company has sent out an announcement recapping all of the news from today’s Pokemon Presents presentation. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, and more were shown.

Here’s the full press release:

Pokemon Unite will release for mobile devices on September 22, The Pokemon Company and TiMi Studio Group have announced.

A campaign is planned, of which we have the details below:

Pokemon Unite Blissey

A new update has been announced for Pokemon Unite that is scheduled to arrive on August 18 with the arrival of Blissey. Here are the patch notes:

Pokemon Unite Blissey

Pokemon Unite is receiving Blissey as its next character, The Pokemon Company and TiMi Studio Group have announced. The roster will be updated with the addition on August 18.

Blissey is a Supporter Pokemon “with moves that heal or increase basic attack speed”, according to The Pokemon Company. Bliss Assistance is its Unique Move, which “allows it to dash to an ally’s aid and protect that ally from attacks.”

Here’s a trailer:

Pokemon Unite update

Pokemon Unite has been updated again on Switch. It’s not nearly as extensive as what we saw a few days ago, but the game has received a bug fix and adjustment.

Below are the official patch notes:

Pokemon Unite update

Pokemon Unite is set to receive a new update on Wednesday, August 4. It will feature a spectate feature test release, balance adjustments, and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Pokemon Unite, which only just launched on Switch last week, is about to add a new creature. Gardevoir is set to join the game tomorrow, it’s been announced.

Here’s a look at Gardevoir in action:

Pokemon Unite

To celebrate Pokemon Unite’s initial debut on Switch today, the game has received a new launch trailer. Get a look at the video below.

Pokemon Unite is live on the Switch eShop as a free-to-play game. The mobile version will follow in September.

Pokemon Unite is now available in all regions on the Switch eShop. In celebration, Tencent and Timi Studio Group are distributing Zeraora as a free log-in bonus until August 31. Here are the details:

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